Monday, May 30, 2005

in disguise... thank You.

first day... of sch....
slacking away in the library cos i got a rare 4 hour break....a tutorial got cancelled.. and next lesson at 3...

what lies ahead?
hmm.... i said enough previously...


during the weekend, there was a camp for the BBGB kids of greenridge pri..
even before the camp... significant things happened, which i can only say, God
wanted to speak to me...

two- three days before the camp, we found ourselves without any tents.
and not enough dorms on the 1st nite....
we planned to borrow abt 10 from another company (coy) which many of the officers &
helpers were formerly from.
technical difficulties... and it was impossible to borrow any more.

Jon then volunteered to try his old coy...
and he could not get hold...

i tried my old coy, and they allowed.

so i went on fri to collect, and almost all the tents were not exactly in good shape.

and i fretted as i got hold of 6 only. might not be enough.... ....

brought these tents to church,
and guess what.

i realised that we have another 8 tents, as one of the GB officers, Shihui, managed to borrow them.

so now we have too many tents.
reminds me of the story, the feeding of the 5000...

many more blessings in disguise came throughout the camp.....

a really heavy storm, in the middle of an outdoor treasure hunt game......
certain events in the night....
the few shortages here and there due to me forgetting to bring essential stuff.....
are but some of the few blessings in disguise.

- - -
last evening, while Jon and i were washing the tents used, (or rather, spraying the
tents with different pressures & volume with the fire hose), we got distracted by.....
..... ants.
it was interesting seeing how these ants are so commando-like whenever a wasp landed on the floor, or crashed straight into the wall injuring themselves...
they surround it and try to kill it, before lugging it back to their nest....
the amazing fact was that these wasps were significantly much bigger than these ants...
interesting.... God's creations are.....
i once went for some school camp, and one of the points was "to have an ant mentality".
when got obstacles in life.... "get over it,under it, side of it. press on and you will get it solved"
but isn't it a fact that some obstacles in life, are impossible to solve with ourselves?
without Him... i wont know who to be so thankful....
through the years....
thank You, Lord.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

what can i say?

God? what God?
there is no God...
we are all we are...
we can achieve whatever we want,
by ourselves...
no need for God...
no time for God...
God? what God?
can i say my friend is wrong, when he commented that, one of the reasons why he does not want to be a christian is that, "christians are so hypocritical, so 'holy-holy' on sunday, but attitude like crap on other day"?
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
or another scenario....
if for example, we didn't do very well, in factly real badly, in our tests or exams, we cite the reason that
"i got a lot of church work, as i'm in this committee, that commitee, all for God.. so no time to study..."
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
i know i sound like some naggy ah soh, but...
it is difficult to even do what i think and say....

think about it...

what sort of testimony are we showing??

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

"will I"

had my freshman orientation today.
the tutor was kinda friendly, and removed that bad first impression which i had during the matriculation day, where the student leaders were quite crude.... however... i guess.. they are only 1-2 yrs older than me, and i would have probably done the same.... much to be learnt.

what lies ahead in the next phase of life?
uncertain? exciting? etc.....

what will the next three yrs be like?

will i stand my ground?
will i waiver in times of doubts, warfare, and struggles?
will i this, will i that.....

it has come to a point where it is "will I?", rather than "am i willing to let Him?".

really thank God.

i know He has, He is , He will.

(ps... i dunno what's wrong with the formatting... in case u din noe... there's a tagboard at the bottom)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

cough, cough. sigh sigh

Man……. My mind is in a roller coaster.
Or elevator.
Or some big bouncy balls in the Patience room.
It’s up & down, up & down….

Not only my mind, my health too.
Physical health. Have this cough that stubbornly refuses to go away.
I guess its my condition, asthma cough type, that has always been there,
but could have worsened, maybe cos I was lazy in preventing it,
by hardly taking my medicine seriously.

And it can also be said of my spiritual health too. Have this sin that stubbornly
refuses to go away. I guess its my condition, sinful nature, that has always been
there, but could have worsened, maybe cos I was lazy in preventing it, by hardly
taking my devotion seriously.

Cough, cough. Sigh, sigh. Cough, cough again.
(“Ooh… Hey! Look at that jade-green phlegm! Cool sia…..”
{insert exclamations of disgust, and lots of ‘eeyyur’, ‘yucks’, ‘grrooss’ from audience, here.} )

Hmmm… Monday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays, we go to this
white building along Jelapang Rd, which some call it ‘church’,
to have a social gathering, make more friends and to be more popular.
Maybe it’s cos we fit in, or that it’s cool to be in a group setting,
or maybe it’s because got nothing else better to do at our homes.
But definitely not to seek this being, called God.
Definitely not.
Absolutely not.

I could be over-simplistic, or just plain irrational…. But…….
What’s our purpose or desire when we go to church?
What’s the driving force, that makes us look forward to go to church?

Hmm…. Friends, and buddies…… or even obligation(s)….
Or maybe… to have fun and pass the time away…
Anyway, life is just sooooo borrring. So… hey… why not go have fun at ‘church’?

We, humans will see it in our own terms, finite, and almost never, we see it beyond.
I understand some of us may have just taken that step of faith.
And we are so new to this concept of faith, that we are still wandering
around ‘blindly’ and following or imitating others, and their ways so that
we hope we would understand eventually, coupled with the fact that we
might be in a period of extremes of our lives. Extreme confusion, extreme
growth, extreme world…….
For those of us who are in this stage, I know that God will help you,
and it might not be in our timing.

He has done, is doing, will continue to do.
For you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Regrets.... but....

these few wks....

could it be warfare?
or is it due to my own "footholds" in my life?
or maybe it's my walk with Him? or the lack of.....

i dunno....

so much things...

it comes to a point of whatever, whatever, whatever....
whatever it means...

anyways..... don't want to continue being so down...
pessimism can be contagious.... and u ppl are in the midst of
your mid-yrs.... haha...

The writer of this article would like to apologise
for any inconveniences caused as a result, directly
or indirectly, of this article's pessimism.

oops... :D

anyways... i was in IDMC 2005 over the few nights and
day the past week...

in short...

An eclectic construct that ultimately results in fidism or nihilism
~Rev Edmund Chan

don't understand? well, there's a much longer (and cheemer) definition...
well... neither did i on thurs nite...

but gradually began to see the light...(not the spot light in Grace Sanc... ;P)
though it might not really affect me now, this postmodernism & postmodernity,
i thank God that IDMC05 has equipped me in some ways, which i might
very well need in the future...
it, as Ps Edmund says, will come as an 'ideological tsunami' that will come...
so... it might be a warning of sorts....

thank You, Lord,
for the weeks past.
helping me see that i need You alone