Monday, July 18, 2005

be guarded! be anchored!

Jon blog about the article in ST, 16/7/2005, about this man who was Taoist then converted to Christianity, but now he's a Buddhist.

in the article, he said he was very passionate in his youth, but he couldnt get an answer why would a good God allow suffering in this world.
he even preached about Christ in his teens....

this is not an unusual story...

why do i say that???

cos i know of many stories and even ppl who were once so "on fire" in their teens, but their faith was not anchored and they were swept away by the different waves of their lives...

but.. there'll also be those you've never have thought would be Christian, became transformed...

pray for those you know have backslidden, or even thos who've renounced God

for this man.. pray for him too...

and i'm sure some of us now as teens who are very much on fire, very passionate about Christ, there will be a VERY HUGE possibility that some of us WILL fall away in years to come.... in the years where different transistions of our lives will make us check our faith...

and do not be surprised if those that you see now are very much teens of Christ... what may seem as very inspiring, that fellow teens are so in Christ, that in years to come, they are the very ones who fall away and renounce this faith...
it might be you, it might even be me...

" don't know about tomorrow.....
But i know Who holdsmy hand..."

so... be anchored in the Word right now in your youth...
start a right relationship with Him...
before the storms of life sweep YOU away...

1 Timothy 4:1-5(NIV)
1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith
and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come
through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot
iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods,
which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who
know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be
rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the
word of God and prayer.

be guarded!
be anchored!

Monday, July 11, 2005

aren't there times when we teens juz so desperately want to have an identity??
so how?

we desperately need to have a sense of belonging...
so how?

we find the most popular trends or group or whatever is

and usually we subscribe to a certain way we talk and dress the way those celebs do, and we hang out with the popular ppl... or at least desire to...
cuz it feeeeeeeeeellllllsss soooooo gooooooooood to be popular..


the irony is that in searching for an unique identity thru conforming, and being cool...
we lose our own individual identity...

i can understand it's juz so difficult for ppl our age (teenagers.. and now tweenagers) to not conform...
it's a phase we must go thru....

in the secular environment, our lives are so different from our church life, and even our family life.
like i said previously, it's the "change profile" way of life...

maybe even in the secular, sometimes we are so caught up in being so "kool",
(or creating the facade or projection that we are),
that we go into deep immorality, and some even renounce their faith,
coz saying you're a Christian is "like... duh.. so un-cool!"...

or maybe you face the struggle of being inconsistent.
that in the secular environment, you tend to show a different facade from your church life..
and you might be struggling...

hmm... i was thinking, maybe we should try to get fellow brothers and/or sisters in Christ in your class/workplace/cca/ or anywhere you are in an secular environment, to keep each other accountable or even keep our behaviour in check.

i know this is kind of difficult especially when most of the time we are the only ones who are Christian in our class/workplace (or rather, the only one you know...).

[shall continue some other time..tired minds cant think and type....]

Monday, July 04, 2005

be thankful!

found this somewhere in my home....

-Kindly be careful when move the pot as it is fragile.
-Don`t use the pot for oil-fry cooking.
-Heating the pot without water or soup inside is prohibited.
-Don`t put the pot into bake-oven.
-Child using the pot without adult together is prohibited.
-Transfer the water after rinsing the rice into the pot then
boil it on slow fire or cook porridge or rice when using the pot for the first time.
-Always use small and slow fire when heating the pot.
-The pot designed only for family, used by restaurant on big stove is prohibited.
-Wear the thick gloves on hand when move the heated pot in case of scald.
-Put the mat between the bottom of heated pot and table on case of butn the suface of table,but the wet mat is prohibited.
-Wash and clean up the pot after use.
-Wipe the bottom of the pot with dried cloth when the pot getting
wet,then heating it by slow fire in case of break.

everything here is exactly as it is....

Thank God, (ya..i mean, right now) for blessing us with a relatively better education system, and a combination of factors that enabled most of us, Singaporeans, to be proficient in the english language..
Thank Him also, that you... yes you!... have an education.
We are blessed and fortunate that we live in relatively much more stable environments.

We are BLESSED to be a BLESSING!
remember that!
Be Thankful.

Friday, July 01, 2005

from an answered prayer...

God answers prayers...
a good friend of mine was the answered prayer...
or rather, i prayed about him, and God answered...
during Gen Con II, he came..
and i believe God spoke to him...

he wrote me this email...

Isn’t it strange……
Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large
amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at
church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're
praying, but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one
chapter of the Bible, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to
concerts or games, but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church
2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust
it for other events in the last minute?

Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God
to share it with others, but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and
repeat gossip?

Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and
newspapers say, but we question the words in the Bible?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven, but
they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?

Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are
forwarded right away, but when we are going to send messages about God, we think
about it twice before we share it with others?


from someone who is still searching his faith...
he can even see that our attitudes toward God is... well... strange.