Friday, March 31, 2006

3 posts in one...

did i contradict myself?

when the temptings and the charm of this materialistic world come our way...
will we still be good stewards of the money and time entrusted to us?
will we be swayed away, and seduced by these material wealth?

i hope i will get my focus right when it happens.


Happy moments,
Praise God.

Difficult moments,
Seek God.

Quiet moments,
Worship God.

Painful moments,
Trust God.

Every moment,
Thank God.

a sms i received recently.... it seemed very familiar.... as if i had received it before, or i could have been the one who sent it... not sure.. but that's totally of the main point...
probably circulating for a few years already.... probably more than 5...

but look at it...
realise something???

that as it goes down the list, it gets more difficult...
and for most... almost impossible at the last.
to thank God non-stop.

ok... maybe not literally...
but, we should have a heart and attitude of thanksgiving...

this message i received, was utterly encouraging for me...
and it also challenged me.

am i able to praise, seek, worship, trust and thank Him in different areas of my life? will i be able to trust Him when difficult times come? or thank Him at all times?

not easy... ... ...


here are two videos...
one was taken after one of the Discipleship Training sessions where we were in a room with big, bouncy excercise balls, a camera, and a bunch of bored and crazy people.

weird things are bound to happen...

the second one, is taken out of context of the first, and is done by somebody in my WG as a 'tribute' to his webbers, and he hopes this will be an encouragement to them that they will press on, and grow in different areas of their lives. he also hopes that they will remember that in whatever ministry they're in, it does not belong to them at all, but to God. gotta know what this statement really means...

and i hope that it's true for you too....

it is a "silent movie of sorts"... so if you cannot tolerate the deafening silence.. don't watch.. hahah...

this video is not meant to make fun of those who have congenital retardation of their mind or those who are born with sub-normal IQ level...
"retard" is meant to refer to ridiculous, clumsy and stupid behaviour.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


i realised that i was posted to a specialisation that i really do not want to go. Crap...

only have myself to blame.

i AM disappointed.

i will probably be alone, and separated from my buddies i made in yr1... sigh... it's so rare that deep friendships occur in schools. as in really deep ones... sigh... i take friendships seriously, and this is me lah...

but as someone reminded me recently....
don't let friendships and relationships be an idol.

because i have a Best Friend in Christ!

i don't want to wallow in my self-pity and make the situation seem like it's beyond cure... as if i will be barred from any job opportunities... (though it IS true that my specialisation now has a very very small job scope in Singapore.... )

i hope and PRAY that it will be a blessing in disguise...

Actually.. i KNOW it will be a blessing in disguise. it will be to show those around me just how GREAT A GOD I WORSHIP. i believe, really in faith, that His glory will be shown.

no, really!


as JonQ said during a recent wg meeting...
we truly need to know the meaning of LORD. or when we address Him as LORD.

are we practicing our lives with Him as LORD?
or it's just a thing we mouth out when we pray? (that's if we even pray in the first place...)

i need to surrender...

i thot this issue was over...
i thot that i had surrendered...
i thot i had trusted Him to provide me.
i thot.

but did i?

now... it's more complicated... as if my life was a movie or play or even a TV serial......
(or like that Navy advert says.... "if life were a movie, would it be a good one???")with new characters popping into the scene... making peaceful status quo complicated, and messing up thoughts, feelings and even lives...

please be LORD of my life.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

utterly packed fortnight

the past fortnight has been utterly packed.

yup. duh. nic... title says it all??? no need to repeat yourself???

the past fortnight has been utterly packed...

packed with meetings, preparations, scuttling and lessons for me....
why so?

juz hope that i won't be burnt out all over again... Though the busy-ness is juz during this period before the academic year starts...

but then.... i have a track record of being weary after awhile...

anyways... i hope as we get freshmen to come to Poly Christian Fellowhip, i hope that we will not lose focus... or aperture.. or shutter speed. (oops..)

that our God is sovereign, and He will answer the prayers of us...
that we will understand what it means when we pray, "as we are doing these, we are doing it for You".

i KNOW He will do His work in SP.

crap... this wasnt what i had in mind to blog... but oh wells... i forgot what i wanted to post initially le... haha

Monday, March 20, 2006

hmmm... i just realised that this blog has been in existence for exactly 11 months le.... haha....

and this blogger did so without any net access at home!
(hence the boringness... not that it will be less boring when there is any net access at his home.. this blogger is boring)

yup... this blog is boring...
no point reading this..
no personal details of life like who this blogger likes or how school is dreary day after day, or complicated rantings etc etc...


Thursday, March 16, 2006

another random boring post

why do we seek happiness and not joy?

why satisfaction not contentment?

why do we long for acceptance yet not accepting others?

why do we yearn for grace from our friends and yet not extend grace to those who are being sidelined?

why do we tell others to be righteous in this world, while we ourselves are double-minded?

we seek for romantic love, yet despise agape love.

why do we make sure we are busy, or addicted to whatever form of music, or even provoking others and say it is for Christ?


Friday, March 03, 2006

love Him = obey Him

last few nights were one of those where you are sooo tired, and exhausted. And you plonk yourself on the bed, and find that you cannot sleep.

so many issues.
so many thoughts.
so many burdens.
and one big thing which makes me sigh alot.

recently i had grappled with my feelings regarding something or someone. it was the same old cycle, and wadeva wadeva. confusion, ecstacy, etc.... all rolled into one. until it abruptly stopped, leaving me to wonder what the heck went wrong. and also at the same time, i felt Him asking me to let this go, for it may be distracting me and might even be an idol in my life.....

but did i?
no.. in fact i was so unwilling to give it up. even when i knew Matthew 11:28-30.
wrestling with Him is never easy. battle of wills. and throughout, i knew it was to test and refine me. to say it was difficult is an understatement.

still going thru this. and sighing.

do i love my God? because The Word says if i love Him, i obey Him. so many in fact.
John 14:15,21,23,24



do i love Him?

am i obeying Him?