Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i hope... future vocation won't be...

Really Pathetic

or i'll become a

Redundant Person.

i guess at the end of my ns, i'll see this whole time as

Really Precious.

Yes. i am an RP. Regimental Police. security guard. slack job. sian job. wish-i-could-have-your-job-kinda job. whatever you wanna call it...

is it a dream?

i have my doubts...

work at everything to your best, nic.. as if God himself is your boss...
(i wonder where's the verse reference for this paraphrase)

still i see Your hand in control, Lord :)

and 2008 comes to a close. soon enough.

hopefully not with a

Radical Pumpkin.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

as time passes...

you'd get older.


as time passes..
and as you grow day by day...

the want to be all alone, the temptation to isolate...

just increases.

the ability to be in any group,
even with trusted friends..

somehow become more difficult.

is this normal i wonder?

worship God at all times.


Friday, December 12, 2008

i wonder...

if i should be less reflective and just blehh out what's going on in my life...

seasons of life...

oh well..

sept12-dec9 2008
BMT... first phase of my NS life..
been so interesting... so many things to be thankful about..

Leopard coy...
great friends..
great bunk mates..
friends from other platoons...
circumstances, which just makes life a lil less torturous than other coys which i hear.. are well.. just shiong..

so much to be thankful Lord..

i wonder ....

how much effort will i put into relationships that are my family and friendships?
how much effort will i put into life itself?
how much effort it will really take to even put in the effort?

i wonder...

what vocation will i be taking on?
where will God place me? now in ns, and after..
whether this, whether that..

i wonder..

what will the end of two years be like?

it'll be

beautiful. whether or not. it'll still be.

blog inspired mood...

though it doesn't mean i'll blog well...

interesting day hanging out with the peeps i missed so much. my cf siblings...
josh,lukekat, mich, leon in the afternoon,
luke, ian, eliza, and yufang in the evening...

it's just this sense of normalcy and the friendships forged too deep for any of us to let go.
still havent met with hq, and EugEm :P

but something yf shared on the way home stuck to me...
somebody said to her..

"i don't care about you, nor do i really wanna know you as a person...
i only care bout your spiritual health.."

superbly, doesnt really makes sense hor??
then i began to wonder...

that's prolly how i was (and could still be) thinking....
was i too caught up in doing the task, forgetting to make a friend with him rather than saw him as a person, needing friends too?
was i thinking that i'm too superior to him to be his friend and i have to meet him simply cuz i have to?

what about him who's isolated by his bunkmates? was i wanting to be friends with him simply cuz i hope he'll accept Christ?

not what my Lord will do, nic.

where is the love?
(starts singing....)


so true lah.. how to be [insert holier-than-thou voice with ancient cathedral choir in the background]
"concerned for your spiritual health darling"
but totally unconcerned about the person and what's going on in his/her's life?

oh well...

seasons in life...
seasons in the sun...
seasons of people-ability lost...
seasons of isolation...
seasons of moodswings (never had such moods and mood swings in all my life...... guess there's always a first..)
seasons of intense doubt, of intense want to give up...

seasons of lemon tea, peach tea, apple tea, and some new promegranate tea flavour..


but through it all..
You carry me thru...
who am i?


i'll wait and see.

it's not about me. not about us. never was.never will be.


only You can..
it's a journeeyyy.. (as kestcelest always says :P)

actually, i was blinded.. why could i not see?
You are at work Lord...

You are the Light.

oh well..
my eyes are closing...

as most times,

abruptly end here.


(mannn.. must stop this disconnected way of blogging and jumping all around... distracted heart.. haiz..)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

the day after POP....

i think i lost all the training done during BMT in one wasted, meaningless, day eating and sitting in front of the comp idling.

idle minds make futile, emo grounds for the brain to overwork, and the emotions to over-react, and the guards of my heart, they keng and put their guard down......

just shows how inherently sinful, lazy i am...

was intending blog bout POP too. cuz everyone i knew (that was gg thru bmt la) was blogging too...

its strange... idling around felt so..
idle, so meaningless,

but yet... i was stuck.

time to take more effort in life, in friendships, in relationships...

waiting and seeing Your beautiful plan at it all, Lord.
You will carry us thru. Will You humble me daily?
Will You show me daily what it means to die to self, to follow You, and to take up Your cross.

Why do You still love me when You know how unloveable i really am...

Thank You my God....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

self encourager

heh.. I'm blogging from my phone.. From The Endless Kiln On Nobody's Ground.. Aka tekong =P

Realised.. The hardest person to encourage is yourself..
Shall abruptly end here.. =D

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Day I Wished I Was in the Rain

The day i wished i was in the rain,
Walking with them thru the pain.

Oh what a day,
A day where i woke up a-dazed.
Doing 5BX with no gain..

The third push and i was lain.
Reported sick, but was it all a mistake?

The day i wished i was in the rain,
Walking with them thru the pain.

Was it the walking that i would gain?
or a newfound memory that never faint?

In a world where none a saint,
I found no soul going down the lane.

That lane of loving the Divine.

Oh Divine,
What's the real gain,
of an innocence never regain.

In a world where none a saint,
I found no soul going down that lane.

The day i wished i was in the rain,
walking with them thru the pain.

Was it a real mistake?
The Divine is no fake.

Would He ever use such a make,
for someone else He made?

The day i wished i was in the rain,
I found no soul going down the lane.
But He did His work again.



the flow of time just passes thru like that.

quite alot of things to be thankful for this past month.

life is just BBEEAUTIFFULL! (internal joke :D )

and this week has been a divine week too...
quite interesting how God lets u have a pda opportunity...

all i can do is to be thankful.

just a quote frm one of kel's message...
"dont be discouraged. sometimes we just couldn't see the small things that might have great impact in life later.."

quite profound leh, kel!

Monday, August 25, 2008

title lor..

been quite a week!

final-est paper.
cycled from ecp to changi.
had time with the Skyline Youth Leaders and Matt.
anniv service.
anniv dinner.

overloaded sia...

being so away online has kinda made me realise i never really needed online-ness. prefer the real world still.

it's been a blessed week. serving, learning, absorbing...
pretty much, pretty intense.

not really keen on blogging them, though blogworthy.
i prefer to just share them with ppl closer.

maybe, its the season of time where i just dont wanna disclose my life here. what's the point anyways?

why am i blogging now? cuz im waiting for some stuff to be uploaded, and needed to rant.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

still thankful week

Truly thankful for this past one week beginning last sunday 27jul08.
it was a week fraught with ups and alot of downs.
emo week.

still thankful.

God, You'll be there.
God thank You.

quite alot of things to be thankful in spite of the things which are harder to give thanks...
dawn prayer on thurs, rays slot on fri..

tear down these idols Lord.

i pray that it will be a decision that i wont regret. wont regret cuz You brought it thru.
teach Your love.

hurts and whatnot.

You are faithful.

ppl hurt one another cuz mainly, we're inherently unright.

i'm off to EARC 2008! off to the East... Jepuun. ;)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blessing of Weakness II

Weakness is only a blessing, only when the weakness is surpassed by God, who is strength.

And just do it.

Heh! Im blogging using old fashioned technology like gprs and a hp ;P

Monday, July 07, 2008

The Blessing of Weakness

personal lesson for me recently...

though 'weakness' and 'inherent character flaw' is quite distinct.

Friday, July 04, 2008

(approx) countdowns =D

it's 2months plus to enlistment

just a lil bit less than a month to EARC
my God provides. trusting Him.................

about 1.5 months to FES National Conference.
sign up if u wanna :P (heh... im not paid... juz happened that im in cf for too long le :DD)

and many more.
gotta cut this short cuz i gtg :P

and thursdays are beginning to be my fav day! :D nic wonders why... hmmm....
oh wells.. coincidences lar nic :D

so yea... ciao.

and singaporeans are hiao

and abit siao.

(approx) countdowns =D

it's 2months plus to enlistment

just a lil bit less than a month to EARC
my God provides. trusting Him.................

about 1.5 months to FES National Conference.
sign up if u wanna :P (heh... im not paid... juz happened that im in cf for too long le :DD)

and many more.
gotta cut this short cuz i gtg :P

and thursdays are beginning to be my fav day! :D nic wonders why... hmmm....
oh wells.. coincidences lar nic :D

so yea... ciao.

and singaporeans are hiao

and abit siao.

Use it for Your glory.

alone in that journey
where no one seems to know
what it means to not want
what it means to not chase
to pursue determination with determination

can determination really manifest?
is it ever too late to guess?

do i want so badly that i chase so passionately?
what if it's not a thing that i really want?
what is the want that i want

can any in this land truly not want?
am i a 'brother to the destroyer',
do i want want?

how passionately chasers chase
and such dogged determination
in a world where it's all a daze.
will such immense chase
in an insane rat race
result with us all with no laze?

has our sight been hazed?
with no hope hoping to daze.
who's face shall we save? ours.
and ours alone.

what's the flaw that needs to change?
or maybe the change needs no gaze.

can anyone in this land truly understand what it is not to be determined?
can anyone know what it means to want?

hope. we all do.
want. do we all?

academics define.
or so we think.
weaned in a diet of ink
chose the way of the mink.

what ever a mink is =D it juz happened to rhyme :P

with coasts every area,
do we boast in our own little global corner?
small, proud arrogant.
don't wait for the day we become a goner.

but determination is good.
can it be learnt after such a long time?
has mind gotten weak and lost all will?

in my weaknesses, Christ is shown strong.
thankful that i just cant be strong in most areas of life, try as i might...

cuz the more we know our strenghts, i'll prolly be more proud than i already am. and i fear...

'Jesus be strong in my weakness.Empower me.'
"i offer my life to You, everything i've been thru."

you know the next line.

Friday, June 13, 2008

the famous passage on Love... in chinese it's.. beautiful! there's a song i think... but yea..

爱 是 恒 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ;

爱 是 不 嫉 妒 ;

爱 是 不 自 夸 , 不 张 狂 ,

不 做 害 羞 的 事 ,

不 求 自 己 的 益 处 ,

不 轻 易 发 怒 ,

不 计 算 人 的 恶 ,

不 喜 欢 不 义 ,

只 喜 欢 真 理 ;

凡 事 包 容 , 凡 事 相 信 , 凡 事 盼 望 , 凡 事 忍 耐 。

爱 是 永 不 止 息 。

on wed, when we were cycling, our dear ian was telling me why Love has characteristics... u can see it as if like a Person.. Any Person has a characteristics which makes him/her distinct... so it is with Love.

and God is love. 1john4:7-19. came across this when i was looking for something to write for my sister's 1st wedding anniv! congrats jie and jason kor ;)

1john4:19 we love cuz He first love us ;) 我 们 爱 , 因 为 神 先 爱 我 们 。

Thursday, June 12, 2008

it's the time of your life..

when so many people are leaving overseas in a period of what.. 2 weeks???

i guess in the past people who left for overseas to expand their horizon of knowledge were in ones or twos and dribs and drabs. now the concentration increases manifold.

somehow those leaving are leaving to one of two places. both overseas.
Down Under and The Egoistic Kommanders Over Northern Garden-city (aka Tekong lah) =P

so its been 3 farewells in a row for 3 dear friends going to Aussie land...


it's been a great time having u as a dear friend. if u and jon weren't friends, chances are i wont get to know u that well either... thru this whole time.. it has been an interesting time of friendship for all of us hor? so much has happened in such a short time even though we hardly get to meet u. (nic wonders why... :D:D jk)
see ya in dec!

Angeline... (& Royston & Janelle & Janine)
you've been more than just a staffworker to us. and like u said we've been in cf for almost the same time.. tho of cuz u as a staffworker and me as a student... we've witness God's tremendous move in CF esp sPCF in the past 3-4yrs!
thanks for just being the support for all of us CFers and just being there listen to our complaints and problems.. trust me.. this alone is alot alot and very significant for most of us, me included... take care, together with Royston and your two cute little girls...

nostalgic oreo buddy.. haha! God has really grown u so much in the past few yrs in poly yea? so interesting that we knew each other at the beginning of our CF life and then at the end.
In between... so much happened in our own lives that changed us respectively and even how we handle problems in our lives... Coluld really see the change in u. Let God keep changing u, and dont attempt to be who u are not yea?

each to our own new chapters in life. it's that time of your life.. Guess comparitively, this period of timei relatively later for me than most others.. but oh wells.. it's a sooner or later thing i guess.

and to you guys going Tekong....

How Siang...
it's been so so long since we actually met. and frankly, in my 3+ yrs in poly.. u are the one classmate i can rly clique with as a dear fren... Pity we split to different classes in yr2.
Ok.. u're not exactly going Tekong.. so u better take lots of care and lots of 'ren nai' to Pasir Ris Camp as u get ur Red Beret! hahhaa.. im sure u can one la...
in ur life ahead hor.. dont ever lose hope.. pray u'll find hope in all areas of ur life yea? ;)

brudder... u arh... went thru this whole 3 yrs in spcf... God has changed u so so so tremendously. Though u're only gg Tekong for 5days, still tekong :P HAHA...
juz wanna say one thing...
thanks for the friendship, and ur newfound willingness to be friends. I'm sure this is one stage of life u will look back and look Up. ;)

tho we knew each other for a shorter time... it's was great with u and ur crappiness and all the camwhore times :P HAHA.. anyways.. u take care too Ray! and be a Ray of Light in ur camp yar???


God will walk with us all. ;)

Friday, May 30, 2008

just want to post an entry after a long while...

sometimes i wonder... am i more egg-y than coffee bean-ish?
that i harden myself up when i get discouraged?

or maybe thats juz default...

Camp Initial D at west spring was really an interesting time.
Thank You God..

that i have this chance. to serve these kids.

can't say they were the most cooperative or the most docile but..
they were best.

Best is always at the present time and season.
Can there be a better best?
technically so, but why chase when the best is NOW?

hmm.. maybe 'The Best is Yet to Be' ain't so true after all
or rather it has been overused in the wrong context?

i learnt alot.
God, continue to increase me out of my comfort zone and teach me Lord.

why do i complain?
don't i have too much?
i asked for it havent i? that i'll be taken out of my comfort zone this yr.

interestingly, when we have been taken out of our comfort zone, and thrust into something new, that becomes our new zone hor... ohwells..

scattered thoughts. =\
too many i guess...
too many to be compressed. But it gives u an overload.

i will have no other gods before You.

with my comp down, its time to go back to essentials.
the telephone. and meeting up.
am i so self absorbed that i cant bother to meet those dear to me?

i will have no other gods before You.

randoming ends here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

cheerfully in pieces

during IDT last week, my grp was in stitches over this passage.. okay.. not exactly in stitches.. but it's quite funny lar hor...

1 Samuel 15:32-33 (ESV)
Then Samuel said, "Bring here to me Agag the king of the Amalekites." And Agag came to him cheerfully. Agag said, "Surely the bitterness of death is past."

And Samuel said, "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." And Samuel hacked Agag to pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.

alright i take back what i said.
it's a serious passage and shouldn't be taken lightly.. but the thought of it is juz quite... hilarious... macham some comedy...

oh well.. we concluded ESV is the NC16 version and NIV is the PG version... compare them here lor...


God never gave up on you.
Don't give up.


random ramblings end here.

cheerfully in pieces

during IDT last week, my grp was in stitches over this passage.. okay.. not exactly in stitches.. but it's quite funny lar hor...

1 Samuel 15:32-33 (ESV)
Then Samuel said, "Bring here to me Agag the king of the Amalekites." And Agag came to him cheerfully. Agag said, "Surely the bitterness of death is past."

And Samuel said, "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." And Samuel hacked Agag to pieces before the LORD in Gilgal.

alright i take back what i said.
it's a serious passage and shouldn't be taken lightly.. but the thought of it is juz quite... hilarious... macham some comedy...

oh well.. we concluded ESV is the NC16 version and NIV is the PG version... compare them here lor...


God never gave up on you.
Don't give up.


random ramblings end here.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

real estate? nahh...

sorry to real estate ppl there..

i realised this wk, that that is one industry i don't think i wanna find myself in...
Unless God really calls me there...

just don't like it. don't ask me why... :D
a series of irrational and other personal prejudices.

God help me...

oh wells.. i got ALOT of fotos still not uploaded frm my cam to my comp.
both cam and comp got problems...
cuz the user got problems probably...


so yea.. patience ppl.. i know it's been many centuries since i uploaded, and some of us are pleading with me to upload and share... patience..

it'll prolly appear in a few more centuries.. long after all of us have forgotten that that particular event even happened..


oh wells.. mebbe its time to save up for a new comp. or lappy, as desktops always incur the dust-curse at a greater efficiency.... which somehow my by-the-really-busy-main-road home is cursed more...

ywam training by joseph chean was inspiring.. You are inspiring, God.
cuz You really deliver Your promises...

humans fail when it comes to promises.. but You don't.

You are amazing.

real estate?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My All in All...

in all my dunno how many years since p1 i sang this... this classic makes so much more sense at this point in my life...

Written by Dennis Jernigan

You are my strength when i am weak,
You are the treasure that i seek.
You are my All in All...

Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up, i'll be a fool.
You are my All in All...

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name...
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name.

Taking my sin my cross my shame
Rising again I bless Your name.

You are my All in All...

When i fall down You pick me up
When i am dry You fill my cup.
You are my All in All.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Apple of His Eyes

Koped this off corny's blog =)
yay.. the formatting at my office comp finally works ;P


The Apple of His Eye

A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?"

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air."

Well," he continued, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson.

No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless.

But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to Him.
Psalm 17:8 states that God will keep us, "as the apple of His eye."

Sunday, March 23, 2008

short circuits of life

ok.. havent really posted stuff on mult for a long long time. lotsa reasons... mostly cuz, the formatting on my office comp is terrible, it'll juz appear as one big humungous chunk of words.. also nothing much. ok, there is actually... alot alot of fotos, which now i really think twice abt uploading on mult.. cuz my comp is terribly terribly terribly slow. and has low specs to support the foto upload thing.. oh wells..

short circuits of life..
wonder what they really are in this life..

short circuits of friendship
short circuits of healing
of spirituality..

oh well, i don't really know what i am talking abt actually...

or do i?

i guess short circuits results cuz of short cuts.
and hoping the short cuts will take the electrons to the same way. maaayyybbee it does.. but the process is, well, short circuited.

or mebbe this is just a time of being more private. the cycles of life.

high, low.
extro, intro.
pouring, private.


God restores, God heals.


Centre me down back to You, Father...


of short circuits and '~~~~' squiggly lines.
im guessing this will be a post where i will look back and wonder what on earth was i typing about.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sex and the Search for Intimacy

~impacted by the part that there when we search for no hurt, we choose not to love~

By Dick Purnell

Dr. Henry Brandt, in the Collegiate Challenge magazine, said that there is a syndrome, a pattern, when couples come to him. They say, "At first, sex was exciting. Then I started feeling funny about myself, and then I started feeling funny about my partner. We argued and fought and finally we broke up. Now we are enemies."

This syndrome is what I call the morning-after syndrome. We wake up and find that intimacy is not really there. The sexual relationship does not satisfy us anymore, and what we end up with is not what we really wanted in the first place. All you have is two self-centred people seeking self-satisfaction. The elements of genuine love and intimacy cannot be obtained "instantly," and you find yourself in an unbalanced state, searching for harmony.

Each of us has five significant parts in our lives. We have the physical, the emotional, the mental, the social, and the spiritual. All five of these parts are designed to work together in harmony. In our search for intimacy we want the solution today, or yesterday. One of our problems is that we want "instant" gratification. When the need for intimacy in a relationship is not met, we look for an "instant" solution. Where do we look? Physical, mental, social, emotional or spiritual? It's the physical. It is easier to be physically intimate with someone than to be intimate in any of the other four areas. You can become physically intimate with a person of the opposite sex in an hour, or half-hour -- it just depends upon the urge! But you soon discover that sex may only be a temporary relief for a superficial desire. There is a much deeper need that is still unmet.

What do you do when the thrill wears off and the more you have sex, the less you like it? We rationalise it by saying, "We are in love. No, I mean really in love." But we still find ourselves feeling guilty and unsatisfied. On campuses all across America I see men and women searching for intimacy, going from one relationship to another hoping, "This time will be it. This time I am going to find a relationship that will last."

I believe that what we really want is not sex. What we really want is intimacy.

What is Intimacy?
Today, the word intimacy has taken on sexual connotations. But it is much more than that. It includes all the different dimensions of our lives -- yes, the physical, but also the social, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects as well. Intimacy really means total life sharing. And haven't we all had the desire at one time or another for closeness, for oneness, for sharing our life with someone totally?

Marshall Hodge wrote a book called Your Fear of Love. In it he says, "We long for moments of expressions of love, closeness and tenderness, but frequently, at the critical point, we often draw back. We are afraid of closeness. We are afraid of love." Later in the same book Hodge states, "The closer you come to somebody, the greater potential there is for pain." It is the fear of pain that often drives us away from finding true intimacy.

I was giving a series of lectures at a university in southern Illinois. After one of the meetings, a woman came up to me and said, "I have to talk to you about my boyfriend problems." We sat down, and she began telling me her troubles. After a few moments, she made this statement: "I am now taking steps never to get hurt again." I said to her, "In other words, you are taking steps never to love again." She had thought I misunderstood, so she continued. "No, that's not what I am saying. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. I don't want pain in my life." I said, "That's right, you don't want love in your life." You see, there is no such thing as "painless love." The closer we come to somebody, the greater potential there is for pain.

I would estimate that you (and around 100 percent of the population) would say you have been hurt in a relationship before. The question is, how do you handle that hurt? In order to camouflage the pain, a lot of us give people what I call the "double-sign." We say to a person, "Look, I want you to come closer to me. I want to love and be loved . . . but wait a minute, I've been hurt before. No, I don't want to talk about these subjects. I don't want to hear those things." We build walls around our hearts to protect us from anyone on the outside getting in to hurt us. But that same wall which keeps people out, keeps us stuck inside. The result? Loneliness sets in and true intimacy and love become impossible.

What is Love?
Love is more than emotions, and it is much more than a good feeling. But our society has taken what God has said about love, sex and intimacy and changed it into simply emotions and feelings. God describes love in great detail in the Bible, especially in the Book of First Corinthians, chapter 13. So that you catch the full weight of God's definition of love, let me present verses four through seven (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) to you this way. How much would it meet your needs if a person loved you as God says we should be loved:

-if this person responded to you with patience, kindness, and was not envious of you?
-if this person was not boastful or proud?
-how about if this person wasn't rude toward you or self-seeking or easily angered?
-what if this person didn't keep a record of your wrongs?
-how about if they refused to be deceitful, but always were truthful with you?
-what if this person protected you, trusted you, always hoped for your good, and persevered
-through conflicts with you?

This is how God defines the love He wants us to experience in relationships. You'll notice that this kind of love is "other-person" focused. It is giving, rather than self-seeking. And there's the problem. Who can live up to this?

For us to experience this kind of love in relationships we need to first experience God's love for us. You can't consistently demonstrate this kind of love toward someone if you've never experienced being loved in this way. God, who knows you, who knows everything about you, loves you perfectly.

God tells us through the ancient prophet, Jeremiah, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; and I have drawn you unto Myself" (Jeremiah 31:3). So God's love for you is never going to change.

God loved us so much that He allowed for Jesus Christ to be crucified (an ancient form of execution) for our sins so that we might be made clean. We read in the Bible, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3: 16). When we turn to God and accept His forgiveness, then we begin to experience His love.

God tells us, "If we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:19). Not only does God forgive our sins, but He forgets them and cleanses us.

God continues to love us no matter what. Often, relationships end when something in them is altered, such as a damaging accident or the loss of financial position. But God's love is not based on our physical appearance or who or what we are.

As you can see, God's view of love is totally different from what society tells us love is. Can you imagine a relationship with this kind of love? God simply tells us that His forgiveness and love is ours for the asking. It is His gift to us. But if we refuse the gift, we are the ones who cut ourselves off from finding true fulfilment, true intimacy and true purpose in life.

The Answer
God's love provides the answer. All we have to do is respond in faith and commitment. The Bible says about Jesus: "That as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those that believe on His name" (John 1:12). God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die in our place. But that is not where the story ends. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. As God, He is alive today and wants to put His love in your heart. Once you accept Him, you will be amazed at what He can do in your life and in your relationships.

The Bible tells us, "He who believes in the Son (Jesus Christ) has eternal life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36). What God wants for us is to have life, not only for today, but for eternity. If we choose to reject Him, then we have chosen sin's consequence which is death and eternal separation from Him.

It is the reception of Jesus Christ, receiving Him into our lives and trusting in Him, that brings our lives into balance. Faith in God unleashes the forgiveness of God. No more hiding, and no more going our own way. He is right there with us. We have peace with Him. After we place our faith and dependence on Him, He takes up residence within our lives and we have intimacy with Him. His forgiveness is there to cleanse us from the deepest sin, the deepest self-centredness, the deepest problem or struggle we ever had or will have.

Intimacy That Satisfies
Throughout the Bible, God's attitude toward sex is very clear. God has reserved sex for marriage and marriage only. Not because He wants to make us miserable, but because He wants to protect our hearts. He wants to build a security base for us, so that when we enter into a marriage, its intimacy can be based upon the security of God's love and wisdom.

When we entrust ourselves to Jesus Christ, He gives us new love and new power day by day. This is where the intimacy we are looking for is satisfied. God gives us a love that will not give up, and will not stop with the growing years and the changing times. His love can bring two people together, with Him at the centre of that union. In a dating relationship, as you grow together, not only spiritually, but socially, mentally and emotionally, you are able to have an honest, caring and intimate relationship which is fulfillingand exciting! And when the relationship comes along which culminates in marriage, the sexual union can only enhance the foundation that has been established.

You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Prayer is talking with God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer: "Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Saviour and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life and make me the kind of person You want me to be."

Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? If it does, pray this prayer right now. Placing your faith in Christ will result in His coming into your life as He has promised. This will begin a relationship with Him that will grow more intimate as you come to know Him better. And with Him at its centre, your life will take on a whole new dimension -- a spiritual one -- bringing more harmony and fulfilment to all of your relationships.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


He's giving me so many chances to apply it.
oh wells.

Monday, February 25, 2008

quotable quote

"Bitterness is like eating a poison and hoping someone else dies"
~not sure who said it.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

just words.

thankful. answered prayers. tonight. courage. response. good. amazed. work thru. issues.
friend. will never read this. i'm sure. stop. inappropriate. get lost.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

dreams do come true part two

dreams do come true.

have always wanted to invite CFers to my home. Finally had the opportunity when YF wanted to have a cny gathering...

i guess, it has been a dream, cuz i never really hosted many ppl before..
and the times all just seem to fit, seem to be the best times...

positive. things will change. for the positive.

guess... in a sense, its a dream cuz, only in recent few months have i grown so close. guess, it is HIS work in me.
and its doubly significant to me cuz, CF is so close to my heart, and its at home.. which represents family la... and yea.. family is ... family la...
but things are on the upward. His will in His time.

and dreams do come true.
dreamS. in the plural.

dreams do come true.

yeap they do!

Self-fulfilling prophecy

I do wonder if there are times when our perception of a imagined outcome becomes reality, only cuz we engineer circumstance to fit that imagined outcome.

Friendships and relationships require efforts from all involved.

Closeness or drifted-ness may or may not result in our own perception resulting in our very own:

Self-fulfilling prophecy.

To forget what was once said would render everything else rubbish, the whole sem would have been for naught. May as well not treasure it if that’s the case.
To forget would make words a mere ‘that’s just it’. Words. Just that. With no implications whatsoever.

Wahh!!! I sound so cheem la! Cool sia….. :D:D:D


Sunday, February 17, 2008

ever get the feeling that you left something behind?

the kind of feeling like.. you know something's missing.
something you need but just cant identify what?
something you feel is fundamental, but is just not there?
you'd wish you'd know where did you leave it.
or did you leave with that, from home in the first place...

learning all over again. how to give thanks.

This Is The Truth

got it frm the vid ps ed showed today...

This Is The Truth

If we turn things upside down

We can’t hope for goodness to win in the world

I would be lying to you if I said that

The human race has a great future ahead

That altruism could replace egotism

That your lives could be filled with joy that your

That your children could be safe and healthy

Before anything you must know

The human race cannot accomplish these things

And I am convinced of this because I know you

Corruption and hypocrisy are in your nature

Compassion breeds weakness when only the strong survive and

I refuse to believe under any circumstance that

You can turn things around in the coming years

This world may be sinking to the new depths but

There are even more revelations to come

The human race has one destiny

And whether you like it or not

This is what is real

I am the Lord, Your God

You should know I believe exactly the opposite

I am the Lord, Your God

This is what is real

And whether you like it or not

The human race has one destiny

There are even more revelations to come

This world may be sinking to the new depths but

You can turn things around in the coming years

I refuse to believe under any circumstance that

Compassion breeds weakness when only the strong survive and

Corruption and hypocrisy are in your nature

And I am convinced of this because I know you

The human race cannot accomplish these things

Before anything you must know

That your children could be safe and healthy

That your lives could be filled with joy that your

That altruism could replace egotism

The human race has a great future ahead

I would be lying to you if I said that

We can’t hope for goodness to win in the world

If we turn things upside down

This Is The Truth

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

swimming lollipop.

a pair of kids want to go swimming.
waves will get choppy.
kids will drown. or get eaten by sharks.

cuz they chose to swim.

but their Father pulled them back together.
and they didn't drown. or get eaten by sharks.

but they will always want to swim.

sure, you may swim.
only when then waves die down.
and when the dangerous phase is gone.
but it takes time. wait yea?

then after that while going home,
they saw the cabinet hor,
got one super nice lollipop.
they knew how it tasted already. very slightly at least.
but they put it back and sealed back the jar.

cuz Father said nope. not yet.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


"begin with the end point in mind"

ending one. starting another.
plural respectively rather.....

what are my endpoints?
how to begin with the end point if its not even defined???

its only jan08.
wonder what would have happened when jan2010 comes along...

God will refine. define. make those lessons mine.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


how God puts people to walk the same journey with you at around the same period... Thankful...

interesting also how God puts people after you have walked thru journeys so that you can walk with them as they go thru.

macham some big cosmic jigsaw puzzle.

oh well. there's no such thing as coincidences.


seeing a bad end will teach you what is the good end.
but doesnt prevent you from crashing into itself still.

You'd need a Divine Driver :P

waiting. to get your hands dirty.

insightful day...

during prayer meeting, we read and prayed thru ps27.
among the many verses i gleaned...
the last verse seemed quite profound.. 27:14 "Wait for the LORD, be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!'

many things have been speaking to me.. like in weird times and places.. :P like at npcf room, this long long poem on waiting on the Lord. and reading various blogs too..

wait on the LORD!

quite apt..


today before npcf, luke, fuj and i were entering np...
then there was this grp of gals huddled around the longkang.. and there were guys also there wondering what to do. (prolly forming a committe and discussing ba.. :D )
so fuj went to ask what happened, and it seemed that some gal dropped her pen inside the slab..
then he just opened the slab took the pen, and gave the girl the pen.
seemed like the most duhhh thing to do..

and they were all around there wondering what to do.

fuj then said.
"many ppl wanna help, but they just dont want to get their hands dirty."

do you wanna get your hands dirty when serving Him?

Monday, January 07, 2008

parable of the candles

Parable of the Candles
- author unknown
[ shared by mel lek.. enjoy!]
There was a blackout one night. When the lights went out, I fumbled to the closet where we keep the candles for nights like this. I lit four of them. I was turning to leave with the large candle in my hand when I heard a voice, 'Now, hold it right there.'

'Who said that?'

'I did.' The voice was near my hand.

'Who are you? What are you?'

'I'm a candle.'

I lifted up the candle to take a closer look.

There was a tiny face in the wax.

'Don't take me out of here!'


'I said, Don't take me out of this room.'

'What do you mean? I have to take you out. You're a candle.

Your job is to give light. It's dark out there.'
'But you can't take me out. I'm not ready,' the candle explained with pleading eyes.
'I need more preparation.'

I couldn't believe my ears. 'More preparation?'

'Yeah, I've decided I need to research this job of light-giving so
I won't go out and make a bunch of mistakes. You'd be surprised how distorted the glow of an untrained candle can be....'
'All right then,' I said.
'You're not the only candle on the shelf.

I'll blow you out and take the others!'

But right then I heard other voices,
'We aren't going either!'

I turned to the other candles,

'You are candles and your job is to light dark places!'

'Well, that may be what you think,' said the first one,

'You may think we have to go, but I'm busy...

I'm meditating on the importance of light. It's really enlightening.'...

'And you other two,' I asked, 'are you going to stay too?'

A short, fat, purple candle with plump cheeks spoke up. 'I'm waiting
to get my life together, I'm not stable enough.'

The last candle had a female voice, very pleasant to the ear.

'I'd like to help, 'she explained,
'but lighting the darkness is not my gift...I'm a singer. I sing to other candles to encourage them to burn more brightly.'

She began a rendition of 'This Little Light of Mine' The other three
joined in, filling the closet with singing....I took a step back and considered the absurdity of it all. Four perfectly healthy candles singing to each other about light but refusing to come out of the closet.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

crossing over to 08....

suddenly makes it feel as if poly life is so long... abeit its just 2+ weeks.

its as if i can't believe im still in poly kinda feeling..
but of cuz, this is my last few days with my frens esp cfers.. make it to the fullest!


idt has begun for me.


i wonder what this year holds..


Thursday, January 03, 2008

final days

of poly....

which means it's also my final days as a CFer...

officially that is. :P

sides of a coin

there are always two sides of a coin.

three, if u count the rim :D

i wonder which side we always look at. not the one dollar lar!

or rather, which side do we choose to look at?

it's actually more difficult to have seen both sides of the coin,
and remain to see the coin as it is.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

it's 08!

2007 has just been awesome.
as i look back, i see such a beatiful story.

and yet again, it is full of HIs grace, His intervention, and so much growth.
Thank You LORD.

to close such a year as this, it was at sembawang park. with cfers. and closer ones all of them save for some who didn't go...

we crossed the midnight mark praying and sharing.
what a way right? it is going to be such a memorable year... memorable new year's eve too. we crossed the new yr w God...

too many too many things to give thanks for. one thing is for so many deep relationships in the recent months. its as if a sudden influx of them all...
which will make it more painful to leave them as i graduate soon :(..
esp the closer ones. the closer brothers and sister.


oh wells... what does this year hold?

God holds it.
so the things that the year holds..
He holds it.


the destination is no longer important. it is clear.

but before we get there... its a journey. a walk. a growth period...

no compromise.


thank You. You alone are my strength my soul. my first love.

do i mean it? do i mean what i just type?


its 08!


okay i realised i havent been crap blogging for a long long time! heh, give the impression that im some holy moley serious dude on this blog..
but heck la..



blessed nuuuu ear!

it's 08