Thursday, October 23, 2008

self encourager

heh.. I'm blogging from my phone.. From The Endless Kiln On Nobody's Ground.. Aka tekong =P

Realised.. The hardest person to encourage is yourself..
Shall abruptly end here.. =D

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Day I Wished I Was in the Rain

The day i wished i was in the rain,
Walking with them thru the pain.

Oh what a day,
A day where i woke up a-dazed.
Doing 5BX with no gain..

The third push and i was lain.
Reported sick, but was it all a mistake?

The day i wished i was in the rain,
Walking with them thru the pain.

Was it the walking that i would gain?
or a newfound memory that never faint?

In a world where none a saint,
I found no soul going down the lane.

That lane of loving the Divine.

Oh Divine,
What's the real gain,
of an innocence never regain.

In a world where none a saint,
I found no soul going down that lane.

The day i wished i was in the rain,
walking with them thru the pain.

Was it a real mistake?
The Divine is no fake.

Would He ever use such a make,
for someone else He made?

The day i wished i was in the rain,
I found no soul going down the lane.
But He did His work again.



the flow of time just passes thru like that.

quite alot of things to be thankful for this past month.

life is just BBEEAUTIFFULL! (internal joke :D )

and this week has been a divine week too...
quite interesting how God lets u have a pda opportunity...

all i can do is to be thankful.

just a quote frm one of kel's message...
"dont be discouraged. sometimes we just couldn't see the small things that might have great impact in life later.."

quite profound leh, kel!