Thursday, December 24, 2009

praise God from whom all blessings flow...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Let earth and heavenly saints proclaim
The power and might of His great Name
Let us exalt on bended knee
Praise God, the Holy Trinity

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise to the King, His throne transcends
His crown and Kingdom never end
Now and throughout eternity
I'll praise the One Who died for me

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

praise God from whom all blessings flow...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Let earth and heavenly saints proclaim
The power and might of His great Name
Let us exalt on bended knee
Praise God, the Holy Trinity

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise to the King, His throne transcends
His crown and Kingdom never end
Now and throughout eternity
I'll praise the One Who died for me

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise God, praise God, praise God, Who saved my soul
Praise God, praise God, praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Friday, December 11, 2009

using free wifi

in hk airport ;p with kestine and celester

Wonder if there will be any divine lessons or appointments... ;P

Sunday, December 06, 2009

story of a children's song.

story aint so juvenile!
amazing thing it has been around for 150 years!

the lyrics are soo simple, yet so deep.
its theologically right, and Word based!
and it expresses a truth so simply...

name of the song?
"Jesus loves me this i know".

read the story here.

maybe the next time u happen to sing this song.. it wun b another silly kiddy song anymore...

Thursday, October 22, 2009


an empty room is felt all the more bare, if it was once filled.
a restless soul is felt all the more discontent, if it was once content.

Monday, September 21, 2009


at how lousy i am as a cross cultural host.

that a good friend backed out of cf camp united 2009. really hoped he'll be blessed by the speaker and the camp. but oh wells. could b an act of grace.

that my life is in shambles and i am not doing anything.

that i am not doing things that i promised.

that i am NATO-ing still.

wonders when, my life will be ok.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

one year more part II

and this has to happen.

maybe it was just waiting , and ultimately inevitable.

and i guess this 4 months,
that she ran away,
my family has to go thru a tectonic shift like never before.

we can choose to action or nato.
the latter of which i have done for most of my lowly 21 years in this earth.

i'm falling apart..
i'm barely breathing...
cant remember the rest of the lyrics...

oh well.

ps56:3-4 is profound :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

one year more.

one year more.
half way mark.

i never really did dread NS, nor really so sian as to enlist,
it's has always been.. just do lor..

so now my half way mark in NS.
i am not really excited that i am one year closer to ORD,
neither am i truly wanting to stay on in SAF.

but i guess, i see the one year mark, the half way point.
macham the 1.2km turning point for ippt.

anyways.. :D
it really is a good time to reflect.
and analyse...

one year has come since i enlisted.
and i guess is just filled with memories.

and ns will be that. full of memories.

but will it be just that? A time full of memories, which doesnt count for nothing?
a time where we imitate our superiors' mannerisms and doing sai kang?

one year. has gone.
one year to go.
and its this 22 months that the friendships will be at its optimum.
cuz not much effort needed.
just need to book in and all the ppl are there.

is it a time that is so transient?
i wonder what will the friendships be after.

will it be like 99.2567819% of all my friendships? which wane after the event/thing/ns life/sch life/camp/service/ministry is over?

oh well. that takes extra efffort.

but what will it count for?
what if it's just a time of sai kang, playing with dogs, doing more sai kang, duty,watching superior's moods, duty, watching peers' moods, duty, watching juniors'moods, duty, watching my moods, duty, suaning aston, hearing rumours and gossips floating around, imitating superiors, watching the clouds go by, watching the DOS drive by (during duty of cuz), looking under the stars at rrad and at seletar (during duty of cuz), wasting time till book out time, sleeping when there's work to be done, sleeping when there's no work to be done, training a little bit just to clear the ippt, and doing even more sai kang, and (of cuz), duty?

which will most probably be, or rather, already is.

what will the frienships become?
what will the impact my batch and i leave?
what will the questions in ppl's heart go to?
what will people see my saviour thru me? unfortunately... sad to say.. oh well.

will ppl see christianity as a relshp than a religion?
will i start to smoke? and the reason i choose not to smoke goes beyond spoiling your lungs and govt, urm, discouragement, and it also goes beyond "i hate smokers" cuz so many of my friends, they smoke.
so do i hate them cuz they smoke?

what will this time be?

how can ideals and reality crash into one fluid masterpiece drawn by the Master Artist Himself?
cuz it's His to do.

and i realise in the recent grad bs.. that when we proclaim or do bs..
we just want ppl to know Christ. like wad john 21 said.
not just to see His works, but to know Christ Himself.

whatever will be, will be.
controlled by Him.

one year more to right the things within me, and hope this time counts.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

another quote

Here, let it be said, that no two things are more essential to a spirit-filled life than
Bible-reading and secret prayer;

no two things more helpful to growth in grace;
to getting the largest joy out of a Christian life;
toward establishing one in the ways of eternal peace.

The neglect of these all-important duties,
presages leanness of soul,
loss of joy,
absence of peace,
dryness of spirit,
decay in all that pertains to spiritual life.

Neglecting these things paves the way for apostasy, and gives the EvilOne an advantage such as he is not likely to ignore.

Reading God's word regularly, and praying habitually in the secret place of the Most High puts one where he is absolutely safe from the attacks of the enemy of souls, and guarantees him salvation and final victory, through the overcoming power of the LAMB.

~E M Bounds, "the necessity of prayer"

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Prison of Want

excerpt from Max Lucado's Travelling Light, pg 30-31

David has found the pasture where discontent goes to die. It's as if he is saying
"What I have in God
is greater than
what i don't have in life"

You think you and I could learn to say the same?

Think for just a moment about the things you own. Think about the house you have, the car you drive, the money you've saved. Think about the jewelry you;ve inherited and the stocks you've traded and the clothes you've purchased. Envision all your stuff, and let me remind you of two biblical truths.

Your stuff isn't yours. Ask any coroner. Ask any embalmer. Ask any funeral-home director. No one takes anything with him. When one of the wealthiest men in history, John D. Rockefeller, died, his accountant was asked, "How much did John D. leave?" The accountant's reply?
"All of it"

"Naked a man comes from his mother's womb, and as he comes, so he departs. He takes nothing from his labour that he can carry in his hand" (eccles 5:15 niv).

All that stuff- it's not yours. And you know what else about all that stuff?
it's not you.
Who you are has nothing to do with the clothes you wear or the car you drove. Jesus said, "Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have alot" (luke12:15msg).
Heaven does not know you as the fellow with the nice suit or the woman with the big house or the kid with the new bike. Heaven knows your heart. "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1sam16:7niv)
When God looks at you, He may see your compassion, your devotion, your tenderness or quick mind, but he doesnt think of your things.

And when you think of you, you shouldn't either.Define yourself by your stuff, and you'll feel good when u have a lot and bad when you don't. Contentment comes when we can honestly say with Paul: "I have learnt to be satisfied with thing things i have... i know how to live when i am poor, and i know how to live when i have plenty (Phil4:11-12)

The Prison of Want

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

how can a young man (and woman) keep their way pure?

How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to your word.

I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.

I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.


Praise be to you, O LORD;
teach me your decrees.

With my lips I recount
all the laws that come from your mouth.

I rejoice in following your statutes
as one rejoices in great riches.

I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.

I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.

God, let holiness and You be a greater passion than passions thenselves...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

i wish...

...i wasnt so confined in my thinking,
narrow in my mindset.

there's so much out there,
which i don't know,
nor will i ever know.

brought up in a onekind environment,
really realising the smallness of the comfort zone...

social life is gone,
all i have now are friends who grew up with me.

but that's enough.

though i wonder, how should i broaden my horizons,
and explore the world.

yet i know the answers.

being illcontented is redundant.

counting my blessings, amidst the injustice,
reality is real.

how can i survive?
there comes a breaking point, what we know, where we come from, how we were raised,
just seems not enough.

there's a greater world there.
but its not the greatest.

living in that greatest world,
is great enough.

a taste.
but i still long to be a coffee bean.

even in my naiiveity.

break out man.
time to break out.

the nice nice of the comfort zone must crumble and bring about a christianity that need no trying too hard, yet knows but defies the standards.
and that's the refining zone.

'nice' christianity must come to the point where engagement is not merely a different group of ppl trying to make sure others believe and act like us, but a dynamic, real passion which illuminates the emptiness that consumes the everything within anyone's soul.

sometimes i wonder if the methods we've been using for decades still hold true...
look at the acts christians.
that's real faith man.

thankful to be given a chance to be expanded and opened up.

is so difficult.

if a bgr can have difficulties engaging each other, i wonder, how much more difficult is it for us to engage the world.

many are called, few are chosen.

maybe my definitions of life, of ministry, of people, of mindsets, are so narrow, that it narrows everything to a small cube.
of which i compress and simplify the cube and ignore the details. and then choose to see it as narrowly as possible, fitting in the already small narrow mindset in me.

we were discussing yest at al-meen woodlands whats bold prayers and presumptousness.
and sometimes we just gotta pray. and know Him and know whats on His heart.

it's a mystery.
sometimes God answers prayer with amazing awesomeness, manifesting His glory, whereas sometimes He does answer a no, or a wait.
and in the case of the 'wait', He may give your requests many years down the road, but while knowing He blessed you, you begin to realise that what you asked for many years ago, what you prayed so earnestly for, so much cuz you really wanted it,
you begin to realise how much you dont really want it as much now as then.

(gah, i need to read! my english is getting so cui)

i seem to be getting stupider, shallower, less passionate, and trying too hard since i came to army.
social life has disappeared, and your view of reality is much less clear.
it becomes so distant, and sometimes you wonder what is real, what isn't, and reality becomes fogged up and you get out of touch with it.

but the fogginess doesnt cover what is real, only, well, fogs it.
in the fog, i still know what is real.

the unsafe-ness of ppl and trusting in them, just amplifies the safe-ness in God's presence.
God is big.

out of touch, out of reality.
God help.

argh. my thinking is screwed up.
thoughtpatterns are cui-ed.
discouraged. ironically not by draining ppl, but simply by very nice people.
whom you wish could step up and love and be passionate and at least engage.
but ohwell.
what will be will be.

God help.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


"God does not hold you accountable
for what you can't do,
but for what you can do,
and didn't."

~ Dr Tan Soo Inn


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a love story

One day, I woke early in the morning to watch the sunrise. Ah! ... the beauty of God's
creation is beyond description. As I watched, I praised God for His beautiful work. As
I sat there, I felt the Lord's presence with me. He asked me, "Do you love me?"

I answered, "Of course, God! You are my Lord and Savior!"

Then He asked, "If you were physically handicapped, would you still love me?"

I was perplexed. I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest of my body and wondered
how many things I wouldn't be able to do and thought about the things that I take for

I answered, "It would be tough Lord, but I would still love You."

Then the Lord said, "If you were blind, would you still love my creation?"

How could I love something without being able to see it?

Then I thought of all the blind people in the world and how many of them still loved
God and His creation.

So I answered, "It's hard to think of it, but I would still love you."

The Lord then asked me, "If you were deaf, would you still listen to my word?"

How could I listen to anything being deaf? Then I understood. Listening to God's Word
is not merely using our ears, but our hearts.

I answered, "It would be tough, but I would still listen to Your word."

The Lord then asked, "If you were mute, would you still praise My Name?"

How could I praise without a voice? Then it occurred to me, God wants us to sing from
our very hearts and souls. It never matters what we sound like. And praising God is
not always with a song, but when we are persecuted, we give God praise with our words
of thanks.

So I answered, "Though I could not physically sing, I would still praise Your Name."

And the Lord asked, "Do you really love Me?"

With courage and a strong conviction, I answered boldly, "Yes Lord! I love You because
You are the one and true God!"

I thought I had answered well, but God asked, "Then why do you sin?"

I answered, "Because I am only human. I am not perfect."

"Then why in times of peace do you stray the furthest? Why only in times of trouble
do you pray in earnest?"

I had no answers ... only tears.

The Lord continued. "Why only sing at fellowships and retreats? Why seek Me only in
times of worship? Why ask things so selfishly? Why ask things so unfaithfully?"

The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

"Why are you ashamed of Me? Why are you not spreading the good news? Why in times of
persecution, you cry to others when I offer My shoulder to cry on? Why make excuses
when I give you opportunities to serve in My Name?"

"You are blessed with life. I made you not to throw this gift away. I have blessed
you with talents to serve Me, but you continue to turn away. I have revealed My Word
to you, but you do not gain in knowledge. I have spoken to you but your ears were
closed. I have shown My blessings to you, but your eyes were turned away. I have
sent you servants, but you sat idly by as they were pushed away. I have heard your
prayers and I have answered them all. Do you truly love me?

I could not answer. How could I? I was embarrassed beyond belief. I had no excuse.
What could I say to this? When my heart had cried out and the tears had flowed, I
said, "Please forgive me Lord. I am unworthy to be Your child."

The Lord answered, "That is My Grace, My child."

I asked, "Then why do you continue to forgive me? Why do You love me so?"

The Lord answered, "Because you are My creation. You are my child. I will never
abandon you. When you cry, I will have compassion and cry with you. When you shout
with joy, I will laugh with you. When you are down, I will encourage you. When
you fall, I will raise you up. When you are tired, I will carry you. I will be
with you until the end of days, and I will love you forever."

Never had I cried so hard before. How could I have been so cold? How could I have
hurt God as I had done?

I asked God, "How much do You love me?"

The Lord stretched out His arms, and I saw His nail-pierced hands. I bowed down at
the feet of Christ, my Savior. And for the first time, I truly prayed.

author unknown

Monday, July 06, 2009

it's been almost 3 months...

.. since i blogged.

nothing to blog about.
since life's a mess.
giving up seems the default option.

why am i writing this even? to gain attention i guess?

isnt that what blogging is about? telling the whole world about yourself?
but God's grace is sufficient.
He alone is faithful.

as we get older,
as more crap clogs up our hearts, soul, minds,
as friends disappear,
as well as friendships

the things which really hit our soul

are surprisingly the basics.

and that is God's love thru Jesus on the cross.

so yea. no updates on my life.
get lost. don't read :P

Monday, April 20, 2009

a leave i didnt ask for.

but was well spent.

this month they are clearing our leave so that we wont have any in december. =/ ohwells...

anyways... it was a great time meeting up with ian, then going to np's cca drive.
it is the familiar anyways.

the familiar cf life.

tian en was telling me how we as grads have a role to pray and a role to play, whatever that may be... good reminder...

am i juz holding on to a mere nostalgia or am i really spending my time well?
or am i?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


are the only consolation to a crappy week. not the best of companionship, but it'll suffice.

idt is now the spiritual refilling and companionship in a @#$%^ week.



are the only consolation to a crappy week. not the best of companionship, but it'll suffice.

idt is now the spiritual refilling and companionship in a @#$%^ week. so TGIF.


are the only consolation to a crappy week. not the best of companionship, but it'll suffice.

idt is now the spiritual refilling and companionship in a @#$%^ week. so TGIF.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i am so...

out of touch.

out of synch.

i want to trust. i want to trust restedly.

i want to close with God and ppl again.

i want to be in the loop of cf again.

i long for friendships again.

oh God.

above all, i long to be close to You again.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

born to be free.freed to be born

i saw this boy having this tshirt in bluuurrr words
saying born to be free.

and in true 'this is that, that is this' fashion, i began to wonder if the reverse is true.

and it is.

born to be free. freed to be born.
today is easter.
but i guess, we must make good friday and easter an everyday affair...


i sometimes wonder why am i so overtly christian on my blog, but cant even declare in real life.
i know God is real. and i have a relationship with Him.

and i guess alot of us met many pushy christians trying to push christianity down our throats and almost wanting u to believe straight away.

build relationships. thats something i am heavily influenced from cf.
build with the Builder, and with everyone that God puts in our way.


is it wrong to wish for someone to be somewhere where that someone isn't there yet? is it faith or is it blind stupid optimism?
but yet you know that at times when you see that someone not at that somewhere where you hope someday that somebody will be at,
you realise you are just as bad.

but yet, you know there's a someOne, who will bring your someone to somewhere where that someone is supposed to be at in the first place. that doesnt stop you from not being frustrated though.

God uses imperfect ppl like you and me.

abraham, isaac, jacob were soo imperfect.
but they had faith. simple 'i believe' faith. really simple.
and simply cuz God chose them.

read somewhere how imperfect these 3 men were. abraham tried to hurry things his own way. isaac was almost passive. jacob was scheming against his dad, his uncle, and he showed favouritism among his wives and his kids. not the perfect husband and father it seems....

but they believed God.
the simple 'i believe You' faith.
the kind that is really so childlike so simple.

in that article i read, it also said how Abraham preceded Moses.
faith precedes knowing God.
thru simple faith first. then as you grow deeper in your faith, you begin to know and understand what God reveals to you.

and this simple true faith is the so called 'conversion experience'.

i begin to understand one more step deeper.


heh i know those who aren't christian reading this is like, blur tiao by the time you reach this point. hor, bmt ppl? :P

oh wells.


wishing and praying.

but trusting.commiting.delighting. is more needed.
and being still, knowing He is God, patiently.
and not fearing either. and not being wrathful either.



please be God.
in my life.
You know my desire Lord. i wish for someone to be somewhere.
but i must trust.delight.commit.patiently.


born to be free. freed to be born. "howcanibebornagain"
blessed, joyous easter'09 ;)

Sunday, April 05, 2009


my new cg is bonding.

ok the ppl cant say, we're 'new' to each other, having known each other for YEARS.
and we bonded,
trying to catch pigeons at botanics.


maybe we'll fare better with the two black swans in the future ;)

at 21

in human development modules, 18-25 is the time when we choose between




and esp at the age of 21. esp at the age of 21, male, singaporean, in NS.

we all want intimacy. but isolation may or may not be inevitable.



ns has changed me.
for the worse.

my dog assigned this three months is called Euro. he's in an isolation kennel cuz, he's naiive enough to spin non stop, whacking its tail against the feed bowl, causing a bad wound. now that it's healed, it can't go back cuz top management forgot. its hardly around either.

maybe i am in an 'isolation kennel' of my own.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the flower bud

So green, so rife, so bursting with life,
the newfound bud is not so dud.
Preceding the beauty that within lies,
So it will be, with yellow lines.

The beauty it has, it does not own,
but dies it must, that its own can sow.
Coming after this, something not-so-nice,
but it is after all,
the fruit of its labour.

was juz reflecting on a typical flower.. it's so beautiful (ok, most are.) but it must die before it can bear fruit.

dying to self.
that's the call of Christianity.
and of cuz taking up the cross, and following Christ.

i still don't really, fully, immensely, utterly understand wad it means to take up the cross.

but dying to self, and following Christ..
such cost.

and we'll always be challenged to give up things we hold dear to.
and we don't usually know they are THAT dear to us till we are called to give it up.
then we realise how immensely dear it was, how much we held on to it, knowing logically, that it wasn't the best.
and our soul deteriorates.
God You know best, and this simple faith, i give to You.

let me be simple, not simplistic.

Christianity is amazing.
so simple, a small kid can unnerstand. but then so deep and rich, cheem thinkers are stumped by it.
only God can do smthg like that, as jon said.

but its the simpleness which strikes me.
just pure love for God.

just that. untainted by busyness, and a love for Him.
like His disciples... simple ppl who just followed Him.
tho they din understand at first, they were amazing after. cuz of what God did.

i guess, we really need more models of ppl who live life simple enough to show they love God in their daily lives, and even how they intereact with ppl and others.
instead of discussing discussing and getting nowhere.

Lord, teach me to be Your child, with that Childlike faith.
but wise enough to know You, and discerning enough to do things the right way.

help me to obey.

the proud beauty of the flower must die before it can bear fruit.

The fruit appears, with many seeds so,
Eager to plant and bring life sown.
The new appears with flowerbuds too,
So green, so rife, so bursting with life.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Desert Song

Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be empited again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Can Christians be Depressed?

found this transcripted vodcast by John Piper just by chance...

The following is an edited transcription of the audio.

Does being depressed mean that something is wrong with our hope?

Every Christian who struggles with depression struggles to keep their hope clear. There is nothing wrong with the object of their hope--Jesus Christ is not defective in any way whatsoever. But the view from the struggling Christian's heart of their objective hope could be obscured by disease and pain, the pressures of life, and by Satanic fiery darts shot against them.

We all have to fight the same way, by getting our views of Christ and his promises clear every hour of every day.

All discouragement and depression is related to the obscuring of our hope, and we need to get those clouds out of the way and fight like crazy to see clearly how precious Christ is.

This means we should help each other see Christ, right?

Yes. It seems that whenever one person is struggling—whether in a family, church, or small group—another person is given strength. The point of that is so that the body would work together and the strong would minister to the weak. Then the roles might be reversed the very next week or month, and the one who was just weak becomes strong to help the other who has now become weak.

The weakness can be psychological, spiritual, or physical. But the strength should flow back and forth between us. As we come up out of a discouragement we should minister to others.

This is exactly what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1:4 where he speaks about comforting others with the comfort with which he had been comforted by God. God ordains that one person walk through a valley, find comfort in the valley, come out, turn around, go back to the beginning of that same valley, and help other people walk through it with the very comforts they discovered there.

We miss some of our greatest blessings by not enduring through hardship in our own families or in a church. God has things to teach us through hardship that we will not learn if we flee from it every time it comes.

19 December 2007


and no, i am not depressed in any way :P

the previous post, maybe.. or rather juz a lil tired-ly emo :P (ie the emoness that happen when u lack sleep and rational thoughts seem far far away)

Pointing to Christ and the gospel..
i realised that's what John Piper does, and ppl who inspired me.

not simplfying the gospel to make it like some all-healing drug for any 'illness' like depression, BGR problems, $$ woes, family headaches (though God heals.)
but juz pointing to the clear clarity of Christ.

which means, that we ourselves must be convinced of it.
which means, that we know Christ
and know His power.

another of Piper's sermon was about sexual sin.
when we sin, we lose that joy of our salvation. or rather, it fades till we aren't 'joyous' in His salvation, and we find cheap substitutes.

it's all about Christ. "looking unto Jesus" begins to be a deeper statement in my life.

as i think about it.. if only i read this article when it was written. or earlier that year (2007). i wonder if it would have made any difference then though...
has it been reality yet, i wonder too.

so is your hope obscured?

dark times always make the sunny times more refreshing.
if only we looked up.
looked back up.

oh well.
hey.. the weather these few days have been rainy, then sunny, and rainy again.
climate change? time of the year?
i have a hope.

hey.. the life these few days have been rainy, then sunny, and rainy again.
environment change? seasons of the life?
i have a hope.

looking unto Jesus.
the author and perfector of our faith.

look up ppl.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


i guess i wont be blogging for a long time.
tho blogging helps me reflect..

so yea.. i wont be blogging for a long time i guess.

i dont really want ppl in my life. now la.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

children see. children do.

during rays vday seminar..

thought provoking indeed. really thought provoking.

will You show ze the way Lord..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

if only....

i had a hobby.

or rather something where i can put passion to.

Friday, January 23, 2009




my life for the next 1yr9months is set.
hopefully i won't ever have to use this ROE for real.
and no.. ROE is not caviar nor the smal small oleng things on sushis.
tho that kinda roe is nice!!!!

i never thought i'll miss a dog..
but i think Waldy is gonna be etched in my memory forever..

Comme... Heeeeel... SiT.. doWn.. stay!

thankful for the ppl You're gonna put me with :) Your will is best!

what a week this has been.

what a week this has been.God, keep humbling me, let my posture of my heart be right. was i all wrong? i guess i was. refine me, Lord. any friendship or relationship is a risk. You said rebuke is better than hidden love. God.. grant me the courage and boldness and the patience and the faith to wait for and wait on You. one day i'll see Your beautiful story.

Monday, January 19, 2009

at what price?

prov 27.5-6

At what price?

Who do i think i am?

God is ever in control. He has the best. He is the best.

18jan09. I wonder what i'll remember of it in the future.