Tuesday, June 06, 2006

on the 060606

cool date today....


not ang zor (red dates). nor that fruit that camels eat....

and no.... not the pat tor type... i'm still single =P .

anyway... today's 060606. and the superstitious and the enterprising get all worked up today. be it a movie on Old Men ( or is it Omen????), good astrological day to get married, or bad luck day and u intend to stay at home cuz u scared today's gonna be the end of the world, or whatever...

but what's all the hype about 666?
it came from Revelations 13:18.
But before we go into a debate or whatever, maybe we should have IBS (lvl 4)... haha....

but why should we fear the end of the world?
why should we fear death?

we will fear, only if we do not have any hope. and if we have any notion of judgement, all the more, we will fear.

do u fear?
or do u have the hope?

since u know u have the hope, what should u do?


actually this post was to jump on the "bandwagon" about post-GDOP.
(i make it seem so trivia)


The Global Day of Prayer 2006.

to be frankly honest, GDOP was like any prayer meeting
the difference?

that many churches and christians came AS ONE.
that you see a preview of the day where Singapore makes a U-turn and WILL confess that HE is LORD.

a man was shouting about how christians are full of hypocrites and politics. and i dunnowadelsehewasshoutingabout but i heard lotsa "riots!.......riots!!@$&"

need i say more?
much has been said already. (see archives)

anyway, it was really a privilege to be a flag-bearer/flaggy/flagger/flag-waver? .
manage to hold the same flag throughout. was wondering if i would get any country that i was burdened before to pray for, like Cambodia?(i wasn't and still isn't sure though. but that another time.)

and it was communist North Korea...

will this trigger a burden to pray for North Korea?


lotsa things to do. not much time.

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