it's interesting how a personal opinion on something (which i think isn't really the main point and was just a comment) cause so much hype among people.
isn't it so in any aspect of our life?
i guess we are called to be lights. not flames.
not flames so we can flame others.
it's reaaalllllyy interesting.
it was an interesting 3hours that had just passed.
how anger, emotions, and our own wanting for credit for a job well done can snow ball and multiply (it didn't happen on multiply though... :P:P:D ) or should i say entropy out of control.
i guess that's life.
we go through life going through different emotions, different opinions. but i suppose let's use these 'wisely' and responsibly. try to see the big pic first.... if u can't see, can always go to the Singapore Art Museum, or any art gallery for that matter, to see a big picture... :P alternatively, zi lian by taking a self-pic and print it in A1 size. now, that's BIG... :D ;P HAHAHAHAHA...oops...
blogs aren't safe man.... hahha... so, ppl be wise in how we emote yar? and "coat your tongues with SALT. and a torchLIGHT too." it's not meant to be understood btw. juz look at the words in caps can liao. i am too lorsor la... so i end up saying things liddat.
yea.. and cuz i am lorsor i just wanna type this whole paragraph which really means nothing, and i juz wanna emphasise that i am lorsor in this post so thats why hor, i am typing this. as i am typing this i realise i have a deja vu.. which means i probably had done something as boliao as this before. sigh. yea boring lorsor etc....
but if u get my main pt, can already. sieve it out through the crap. i am sorry to u, who read it.. :D HAHAHHA.
[bad english. bad grammar.bad vocab bad linkage of thoughts. tsk. u fail english lar, nic... :P]
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