Tuesday, November 27, 2007


that question w-h-y.

the question that caused debates aplenty.
or rather the opening of the question.
quarrels abundantly too.
and much more pensiveness in all of us.

the double-u, ech, wai.
used to dig deeper into issues (EIC module applied! :D).
used to manipulate conversations.

used by conscience to question why am i even asking why?
the 'why am i...." or even 'why should i or should i not?'

WHY doesnt always reveal why we want to find out why.
why is why so.. why-ie? (huh?)

Why questions why i chose these decisions, feelings, plans, and decisions-to-be, feelings-to-be.

why did i even type this whole thing?

ok, im beginning to sound like a 3 yr old.....

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