Tuesday, July 11, 2006


it's amazing how when strangers pray for you, their prayers speak to you profoundly. especially when they concern matters that are close to my heart. and it wasn't only one person. somehow i had three people praying for me this morning, when it was just supposed to be one(married) pray for one(single). all three prayed different things, but they were profoundly simple (simply profound???)...
maybe it's His Spirit. no. it IS His Spirit.


it's also amazing how great our sinful nature is.


but far more amazing, is how God is God.
how he would even give us Him.

and we all live in an utterly unfair relationship.
not to us.
but we're the ones making it 'unfair'.
think about this:
you'll only get hurt by someone, if you love that person.
more love. more potential hurt.

and the love God has on us is infinite. or maybe infinite is an understatement.
and we hurt Him day in day out.
we betray Him.
we break promises with Him.
we rebel against Him.
we think we are greater.

more love. more hurt.


it's amazing how quickly we forget too.

you know where i'm driving at ya.


it's amazing i was born on 1877... :D:D

i got my own town!

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