Friday, July 14, 2006

of leaning on ppl, mountains, and Master.

my friend's msn nick:

人靠人。 人跑。人靠山。山倒。 人靠主。最好。

men depend on men. men run. men depend on mountain. mountain zao.
men depend on Master. great.


and indeed i gotta depend on my Master.
with an utterly ridiculously high no. of reports at one go.
with an immense role in a camp.
with deadlines, and ministry commitments needing a balance.
indeed i gotta depend on my Master.

oh wells...
this week has been another of those 'oh wells' weeks.

im sure i can learn things from my sch's poly 50. something happened.
and im sure i learnt lots.

and it was touching to see the love of fellow Bros and Sisters (Siss???) in Christ.
the concern shown was really immense. and i thank Him he put me here.
in CF.

that's what He calls us to be, isn't it???
a community of love.

and that's what we're not doing. in churches. in our own lives.

but, again, we know our own nature.
we know that we cannot do it on our own.

"we can't do it on your own, except by HIm" becomes especially poignant when YOu see what He does.

leaning on other people? leaning on the great mountains and pedestals of our lives?

leaning on Master?

人靠人。 人跑。

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