repeat after me, kids:
sooo clever.
i'm sure it's a known fact...
"yah... like.... DUH???!!??!!?? but... i'm pretty sure nothing bad will happen... i'm sure it'll be good days forever! no need to work hard lah... God will be gracious, and bring us out of any troubles... cheerios!"
does NOT seem like you?
"of course"
i have gone thru the consequences of these, quite a fair bit....
have i "turned from my wicked ways"?
is it true to say "once bitten, twice shy. twice bitten, never try"?
maybe not...
its not like i havent learnt..
complacency can come in the form of lies and/or half-truths and sooth you, make you feel good and...
tempt you.
(isn't all temptations to sin like that???)
don't we singaporeans sometime feel it's so so safe... that we disillusion ourself that we are some superpower?
that just because we are mostly shielded from most natural disasters, does not mean that we wont experience any...
recently in the papers.. a report said that some guy predict that if the epicentre (the point where earthquakes start or something liddat lah... ) moves up north from the previous one, which caused the recent tsunami, nearer india... a tsunami will hit malaysia, and.... singapore...
scary huh?
one day.. one normal day... everything as usual....
then u look out the window...
and got this 12-storey high wave in front of you.....
you go... "wah...awesome..." (then go take photo with friends... with two fingers at your eyebrow, tongue sticking out, and one leg up in typical kawaii style.... :D :D )
and next thing you know....
you're dead.
singapore is no longer existent... because we've been wiped out...
all in a day....
don't be complacent....
don't be complacent that nothing bad will ever happen to you...
don't be complacent that you will wake up tomorrow, alive.
don't be complacent that we will always have peaceful times.
don't be complacent that your friends will be friends in the long run.. for we are all only human, and are prone to falter... and thus may not be the friend he/she you expect.
don't be complacent that you will not be disappointed.
don't be complacent that you will not have any warfare.
don't be complacent about what God has done for you... don't take His grace for granted.
don't be.
easy to say "don't be complacent".
hard to do "don't be complacent".
who am i to say this?
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