Monday, September 30, 2013

I want to submit this for 11-14 year olds for their bulletien.

Dear WEBs,
Today the passage that we will hear later on is a grim, sombre message.

After God spoke directly to them the Ten Commandments, the people of Israel went and worshipped a gold baby cow. I can imagine most of us will laugh at them and scoff at how foolish they are to make a golden baby cow. I mean, don't they know? didn't they see the God who rescued them from Egypt, and gave them manna and quail to eat, and they heard God directly, and still they made a golden calf?

Well, don't laugh. If we had been there, we would probably be one of those who joined in.

You see, although God has set them free, they were not yet living free. Idolatry starts inside the heart before it appears on the hands. God is the perfect Father, and because he loves His children, He has set the 10 Commandments to protect them. 

An idol is simply something and/or someone who takes over God’s supreme place as centre of your life. It could be your friend’s admiration, the new golden iPhone, your drive to maintain your number 1 position in school, or even One Direction.

Jesus came to not only set you free, but to put in you a new nature, so you can live free. If you have not believed that Jesus took your place as an idolater on the cross, repent and believe and idolise no more. If you already have Jesus in your heart, daily reveive his grace and allow Him to make you more like Him.

(maybe i should, although its 100 words more than the word limit)

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