Thursday, May 26, 2005

what can i say?

God? what God?
there is no God...
we are all we are...
we can achieve whatever we want,
by ourselves...
no need for God...
no time for God...
God? what God?
can i say my friend is wrong, when he commented that, one of the reasons why he does not want to be a christian is that, "christians are so hypocritical, so 'holy-holy' on sunday, but attitude like crap on other day"?
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
or another scenario....
if for example, we didn't do very well, in factly real badly, in our tests or exams, we cite the reason that
"i got a lot of church work, as i'm in this committee, that commitee, all for God.. so no time to study..."
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
i know i sound like some naggy ah soh, but...
it is difficult to even do what i think and say....

think about it...

what sort of testimony are we showing??

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