Thursday, June 02, 2005

no title......

i met a friend, who's Christian, in sch somewhere this wk... we were classmates in MI, and the few of us usually are quite crappy...
during the CCA "fair", it was where we met...
i asked him if he was interested in joining any if the Christian organisations, like Navigators, Campus Crusade for Christ or Poly Christian Fellowship.

what he said was quite disheartening to hear....

"aiya... go also go there act, act, raise hands, act kuai, and go home"

he's quite a frank guy and will usually speak what he really feels...
but isn't it quite a common mindset? don't we feel that way sometimes, if we don't get our purposes right?

so what's the "right" purpose?

i dunno...

let's think...
my friend has put to words what many are feeling....
i think i said more, some posts ago...

i got a writer's block now, or rather, a blogger's block... (hey it rhymes!! -_-'")
cant think of anything more to write...

[by the way, i've linked this site i came across (but without permission(: hope u guys at CARM will be gracious enough...... haha..).
Christian Apologetics and Reasearch Ministry. i think its name says it all... go check it out..]

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