Thursday, December 08, 2005

don't wanna be trapped.

" if the devil can't slow you down, he'll speed you up."

i don't want to fall into the trap!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

can i last thru?

will i be able to last thru?
will i be burnt out?
should i give up?

give up what?



what if i do?
what if i don't?

why is this happening now?
why am i so weary?

why do i have to wait till a "revelation", till i give up something, that i should have a long time ago?
why did i linger on in the meaninglessness of it, hoping the outcome will be something i wished, and dreamed?
how stoopeed of me to have done so.


can i last thru?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

YOU know the way out...

there are many people in a building...

it's on fire.

imminent death by roasting (or fried, or barbequed) is inevitable.

but........ ....

there is one way out of this.

but only YOU know about it.

what do you do?

sneak out by that way, without telling the rest, and then shut the way tight?

or tell the rest about this way out?
with great urgency of course.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


qn: what do you blog when u have nothing left to blog?
ans: fulfill some stupid quiz, everyone was doing one month ago...

7 things that scare me:
1: the wrath of God.
2: the potential that our fart is flammable, and explosive...
3: your body odour
4: erm... you???
5: boo!
6: a thing that scares me.
7: something else that scares me.

7 things i love the most:
1: God.
2: Praising Him
3: the potential that our fart is flammable, and explosive...
4: being serious.
5: being lame.
6: sweet foods
7: love?

7 important things in my room:
1: the floor.
2: the ceiling.
3: the walls. [quite obvious right??? if not no room at all... duh!]
4: my bed.
5: my car
6: my lion [for MY lunch....]
7: that guy sleeping. [i.e: me!]

7 random facts about me:
1: i am random.
2: i am not random.
3: i am as random as i seem.
4: i am not as random as i seem.
5: really... i am and am not random.
6: it is a fact.
7: it is?

7 things i wanna do when i die:
1: meet God
2: Praise Him!
3: praise Him!
4: praise Him!
5: praise Him!
6: praise Him!
7: praise Him!

7 things i can do:
1: do this stupid quiz.
2: complement others?
3: flush down a whole dustbin's contents [somehow containing an undie] into the toilet bowl, with a friend of course....
4: sleep everyday
5: eat everyday
6: piss everyday
7: shit everyday

7 things i can't do yet:
1: drive
2: know everything.. duh!
3: forget about that flushing-down-the-contents incident....
4: sleep non-stop
5: eat non-stop
6: piss non-stop
7: shit non-stop

7 words i say the most:
1: "erm"
2: "urm"
3: "huh???"
4: "right"
5: "ok"
6: "hmm?"
7: "hmmmmmm..."

7 celeb crushes:
1: lime crush
2: crushed ice
3: crushed crush?
4: rush
5: brush
6: blush
7: slush

7 peeps i'd love to see doing this:
1: Peeping Tom
2: Peeping Harry
3: Mrs Sir
4: Mr Miss
5: Mark Cheong (OI!! two calls liao! hahahaha)
6: YOU!
7: Your hamster. (no hamster??? go buy one... NOW!)

erm... Jon.... Don't you LMAO (Loving Mickeymouse's Arbituary Osteoporisis) . or LAMO. or LOMA. or whatever.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


complacency is not good.

repeat after me, kids:

sooo clever.

i'm sure it's a known fact...
"yah... like.... DUH???!!??!!?? but... i'm pretty sure nothing bad will happen... i'm sure it'll be good days forever! no need to work hard lah... God will be gracious, and bring us out of any troubles... cheerios!"

does NOT seem like you?
"of course"


i have gone thru the consequences of these, quite a fair bit....


have i "turned from my wicked ways"?

is it true to say "once bitten, twice shy. twice bitten, never try"?

maybe not...

its not like i havent learnt..


complacency can come in the form of lies and/or half-truths and sooth you, make you feel good and...

tempt you.
(isn't all temptations to sin like that???)


don't we singaporeans sometime feel it's so so safe... that we disillusion ourself that we are some superpower?
that just because we are mostly shielded from most natural disasters, does not mean that we wont experience any...
recently in the papers.. a report said that some guy predict that if the epicentre (the point where earthquakes start or something liddat lah... ) moves up north from the previous one, which caused the recent tsunami, nearer india... a tsunami will hit malaysia, and.... singapore...

scary huh?


one day.. one normal day... everything as usual....
then u look out the window...
and got this 12-storey high wave in front of you.....
you go... "wah...awesome..." (then go take photo with friends... with two fingers at your eyebrow, tongue sticking out, and one leg up in typical kawaii style.... :D :D )
and next thing you know....

you're dead.
singapore is no longer existent... because we've been wiped out...

all in a day....

don't be complacent....
don't be complacent that nothing bad will ever happen to you...
don't be complacent that you will wake up tomorrow, alive.
don't be complacent that we will always have peaceful times.
don't be complacent that your friends will be friends in the long run.. for we are all only human, and are prone to falter... and thus may not be the friend he/she you expect.
don't be complacent that you will not be disappointed.
don't be complacent that you will not have any warfare.
don't be complacent about what God has done for you... don't take His grace for granted.
don't be.

easy to say "don't be complacent".
hard to do "don't be complacent".

who am i to say this?

Monday, October 10, 2005


how much do you trust those among you???

how much do you trust your classmates?

how much do you trust your friends?

how about your closer friends?

and your closest friends?

and for some of us, your stead?

and ultimately, how much do you trust God?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

what's going on?


what's going on?

will it be status quo?
much as i hope things stay status quo...
but i also want change...
weird me....

someone asked, "what will we be like in 5 yrs time?"

i replied," .... i don't know about tomorrow."

in 5 years time...
hmmm... no one knows...
(except God lah...)

will things be dramatically changed?
will people still be the same?
will personalities change?
what will happen?

i'm asking the obvious...

say already...

I don't know about tomorrow....

i have no idea what i'm blogging about...
is it a deep thought? or am i just letting my fingers do the typing, as if they have a mind of their own...

honestly... it's more of the latter...

weird me....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


when we have our family conflicts or when there is someone in our family whom we feel very irritated by, or just someone in the family that we just dislike.

in this situations.... can we deny the fact that we are family?

well... yes.. if u choose to be in self denial or go to court and get a certificate that says we are no longer family...
but i'm sure u get what i mean.... the fact is that the other party is, and will still be your biological family.

but what about our spiritual family???

when we're Christians, like it or not, we're all being born into a big spiritual family, with our Heavenly Father.

there WILL be people, fellow brothers and/or sisters in Christ, whom we're irritated by.. or just dont like that fella...

so how???

some ppl change their (home) church... and go somewhere else...
because they buay tahan some ppl in their church

but can we leave the Church? as in Church with a capital "C"?

i suppose we're told to love one another.
love, as in brotherly sisterly agape love...

i feel that "love", contrary to popular belief, does not equal "like".

u can love someone though u find hard to accept that person or 'like' that person....

think abt it...

Monday, July 18, 2005

be guarded! be anchored!

Jon blog about the article in ST, 16/7/2005, about this man who was Taoist then converted to Christianity, but now he's a Buddhist.

in the article, he said he was very passionate in his youth, but he couldnt get an answer why would a good God allow suffering in this world.
he even preached about Christ in his teens....

this is not an unusual story...

why do i say that???

cos i know of many stories and even ppl who were once so "on fire" in their teens, but their faith was not anchored and they were swept away by the different waves of their lives...

but.. there'll also be those you've never have thought would be Christian, became transformed...

pray for those you know have backslidden, or even thos who've renounced God

for this man.. pray for him too...

and i'm sure some of us now as teens who are very much on fire, very passionate about Christ, there will be a VERY HUGE possibility that some of us WILL fall away in years to come.... in the years where different transistions of our lives will make us check our faith...

and do not be surprised if those that you see now are very much teens of Christ... what may seem as very inspiring, that fellow teens are so in Christ, that in years to come, they are the very ones who fall away and renounce this faith...
it might be you, it might even be me...

" don't know about tomorrow.....
But i know Who holdsmy hand..."

so... be anchored in the Word right now in your youth...
start a right relationship with Him...
before the storms of life sweep YOU away...

1 Timothy 4:1-5(NIV)
1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith
and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2Such teachings come
through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot
iron. 3They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods,
which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who
know the truth. 4For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be
rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5because it is consecrated by the
word of God and prayer.

be guarded!
be anchored!

Monday, July 11, 2005

aren't there times when we teens juz so desperately want to have an identity??
so how?

we desperately need to have a sense of belonging...
so how?

we find the most popular trends or group or whatever is

and usually we subscribe to a certain way we talk and dress the way those celebs do, and we hang out with the popular ppl... or at least desire to...
cuz it feeeeeeeeeellllllsss soooooo gooooooooood to be popular..


the irony is that in searching for an unique identity thru conforming, and being cool...
we lose our own individual identity...

i can understand it's juz so difficult for ppl our age (teenagers.. and now tweenagers) to not conform...
it's a phase we must go thru....

in the secular environment, our lives are so different from our church life, and even our family life.
like i said previously, it's the "change profile" way of life...

maybe even in the secular, sometimes we are so caught up in being so "kool",
(or creating the facade or projection that we are),
that we go into deep immorality, and some even renounce their faith,
coz saying you're a Christian is "like... duh.. so un-cool!"...

or maybe you face the struggle of being inconsistent.
that in the secular environment, you tend to show a different facade from your church life..
and you might be struggling...

hmm... i was thinking, maybe we should try to get fellow brothers and/or sisters in Christ in your class/workplace/cca/ or anywhere you are in an secular environment, to keep each other accountable or even keep our behaviour in check.

i know this is kind of difficult especially when most of the time we are the only ones who are Christian in our class/workplace (or rather, the only one you know...).

[shall continue some other time..tired minds cant think and type....]

Monday, July 04, 2005

be thankful!

found this somewhere in my home....

-Kindly be careful when move the pot as it is fragile.
-Don`t use the pot for oil-fry cooking.
-Heating the pot without water or soup inside is prohibited.
-Don`t put the pot into bake-oven.
-Child using the pot without adult together is prohibited.
-Transfer the water after rinsing the rice into the pot then
boil it on slow fire or cook porridge or rice when using the pot for the first time.
-Always use small and slow fire when heating the pot.
-The pot designed only for family, used by restaurant on big stove is prohibited.
-Wear the thick gloves on hand when move the heated pot in case of scald.
-Put the mat between the bottom of heated pot and table on case of butn the suface of table,but the wet mat is prohibited.
-Wash and clean up the pot after use.
-Wipe the bottom of the pot with dried cloth when the pot getting
wet,then heating it by slow fire in case of break.

everything here is exactly as it is....

Thank God, (ya..i mean, right now) for blessing us with a relatively better education system, and a combination of factors that enabled most of us, Singaporeans, to be proficient in the english language..
Thank Him also, that you... yes you!... have an education.
We are blessed and fortunate that we live in relatively much more stable environments.

We are BLESSED to be a BLESSING!
remember that!
Be Thankful.

Friday, July 01, 2005

from an answered prayer...

God answers prayers...
a good friend of mine was the answered prayer...
or rather, i prayed about him, and God answered...
during Gen Con II, he came..
and i believe God spoke to him...

he wrote me this email...

Isn’t it strange……
Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large
amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at
church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're
praying, but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one
chapter of the Bible, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to
concerts or games, but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church
2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust
it for other events in the last minute?

Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God
to share it with others, but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and
repeat gossip?

Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and
newspapers say, but we question the words in the Bible?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven, but
they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?

Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are
forwarded right away, but when we are going to send messages about God, we think
about it twice before we share it with others?


from someone who is still searching his faith...
he can even see that our attitudes toward God is... well... strange.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Don't want to put on masks...

masks of?

i dunno also...

{some random thoughts... so read this post only if you have the patience and time. juz close this window if not... bye bye.. have a nice day...}

not again...
why am i so stupid to have done the right thing at the wrong time?
or maybe it is the wrong thing at the wrong time....

or maybe it's just plain stupidity...

self-righteous i need none. i don't want. i don't want to be.

or maybe it's just the sinful, evil nature in me.

that prevents me from NOT glorifying my God.

reminds me of a passage in Romans... where Paul also states that he himself.. also struggles with his sinful nature.

ahh.. here it is...

Romans 7:14-20(NIV)
14We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave
to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but
what I hate I do.
16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law
is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in
me. 18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I
have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do
is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on
doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but
it is sin living in me that does it.

i can relate with this... i mean c'mon.. who doesnt...

sigh... seems like a lot of blog posts this few days are far from optimistic... a whining atmosphere... me included... as if some how en masse, many ppl are feeling low... how come?

sigh.. don't know if it's the fatigue that never goes away, or wadeva.. i cant think much... "think" meaning.. reflection...
and it's taking it toll.

Yet again, this author would like to apologise
to any reader

for the pessimistic ambience radiated through
this post.

Any inconvenience is deeply

<{Apology each sold seperately, batteries not included} >

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Thank YOU!

Thank You, dear Lord.
Thank You for the past few days, esp
Thank You that You've answered my
prayers... and more...
Thank You.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

a prayer...

Thank You, Lord.
For ministering to me through last night's Prayer & Praise meeting.
For ministering to me in a way i never thought...
For ministering to me through the prayers of my brothers, Kelvin and Mark, and even Ps Kay Kiong.

Thank You, Lord.

Humble me, that You will always be the Lord of my life.

In every aspect. School. Home. Church. Private life.

Thank You, Lord.
For convicting me.

Lord, tomorrow's Gen Con 2/ Youth Sunday 2005,
will be in Your control.
Help us, Lord.
That we will NOT lose our first Love.
That we will not do so much of these things, until we get so activity-driven that we forget Who and why we do it for.
Convict us individually, that we'll come back to You, Your Truth, with clean hands, and pure hearts.
That our lives will be transformed inside out, in all aspects of our lives. That we'll rid ourselves of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind (1 Peter 2:1).

Lord, humble us.
Show us that it's not about us.
Show us how much more supreme You are.
Help us see, how unworthy we are in your Presence.
But... You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ to die, in place of ours.
That now we are justified, if only we believe.

Thank You, Lord.

In Jesus' Name,

Monday, June 20, 2005

inconsistently consistent, consistently inconsistent

whatever does the title mean???
it's consistently inconsistently consistently inconsistent....
so inconsistently consistent right? but consistent inconsistent.

is it reflective of our lives???
sometimes, is our life (or lives....??? ;P ) inconsistently consistent, but yet at the same time consistently inconsistent?

[erm, nic.... don't they mean the same thing?? like... duh! like DUH!]

you get the point, don't you?
our lives can be in constant (or rather, consistent) inconsistency,
yet at the same time...
we feel very consistent, being inconsistent...

Galvs said in his recent post....

It's really simple to put up a facade (false front) in church and be a
totally different person out of it, as if God's presence's limited to the
four walls of the church building ("church" has always been defined as the
body of Christ, not the building).

really the topic i'm blogging about...

maybe our lives is like our handphone(s)....
the profile feature....

go to one place, change profile...
go to church, activate {holy, christian} profile.
go to school, activate {cool, whassssuup, @!#$%^&;~****^&* } profile.
go home, activate {victim} profile.
go to library, activate {silent} profile. [......erm....oops... :D ]

1 Peter 2:1 (New International Version)
1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy,
and slander of every kind.

man... i'm guilty of all these....

to be consistently consistent...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

for the sake of it...

going one big circle... going back to square one...

dunno what i'm crapping though..

juz blogging for the sake of it...

isn't it like life sometimes?
going thru life juz for the sake of it?
passing the motions..... (NOT passing motion.. haha)
life is so sian....
even when got (fruitful) things to do, we choose to continue to be sian...
cos....(for me lah)... no driving force sometimes...

hmm.. living for the moment...
what will our lives turn out to be, when we do this?
choose the sensational, enjoyable, pleasurable...

sometimes i'm so disgusted by my own actions..
that it SEEMS i'm going bit by bit upwards,
when in actual fact, it's spiralling downwards....
what does it mean to have a purpose-driven life for you people?
i havent't read that book...but, hmm.. just curious to know what
purpose is driving our lives...

tag, or leave a comment.....

Monday, June 13, 2005

i dunno what to say... or rather should i say it.

i'm sure most who went to WEB on saturday, will comment about it some way or another...

Yes.... HIS prescence was great.... and manifestations abound.

so now... will we go to church just to get these "shiok shiok" feeeeeliing?
because.. it's juz so cool... so supernatural.... and maybe can boast to our friends of these experience...

i really hope we do not place more emphasis on these manifestations than on His word.
cos i feel... we gotta be anchored in His word....

gotta go for lesson... bye...

(PS... to those who felt cheated in some way of something i did to you all... i'm really sorry....)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

have i?

what am i feeling now?


probably so...

confused of what?

i also don't know...

(man... this seems vaguely deja vu....
i tink i had post like this???)

anyways.... i feel i may have stumbled someone...
or even having multi-standards...

i also don't know...

confused of what?

probably so...


what am i feeling now?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

God WILL take care of you...

here's a hymn that's meaningful to me...
a hymn which encouraged me.
i hope the lyrics can be a form of encouragement
to you too.
i know many of us find hymns very lao tu...
but, hymns are a more contemplative, reflective type of worship... (usually lah...)
hmmm.. it seems everyone is putting up lyrics on their blogs...
it doesnt matter.... (does it?)
i hope that you, my dear friends,
will know that there's a God who WILL take care of you...
even in times of trial, struggles and warfare.

words: Civilla D. Martin
music: Walter S. Martin

Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.

God will take care of you,
Through every day,
over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.

Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.

All you may need He will provide,
God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied,
God will take care of you.

No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
God will take care of you.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

no title......

i met a friend, who's Christian, in sch somewhere this wk... we were classmates in MI, and the few of us usually are quite crappy...
during the CCA "fair", it was where we met...
i asked him if he was interested in joining any if the Christian organisations, like Navigators, Campus Crusade for Christ or Poly Christian Fellowship.

what he said was quite disheartening to hear....

"aiya... go also go there act, act, raise hands, act kuai, and go home"

he's quite a frank guy and will usually speak what he really feels...
but isn't it quite a common mindset? don't we feel that way sometimes, if we don't get our purposes right?

so what's the "right" purpose?

i dunno...

let's think...
my friend has put to words what many are feeling....
i think i said more, some posts ago...

i got a writer's block now, or rather, a blogger's block... (hey it rhymes!! -_-'")
cant think of anything more to write...

[by the way, i've linked this site i came across (but without permission(: hope u guys at CARM will be gracious enough...... haha..).
Christian Apologetics and Reasearch Ministry. i think its name says it all... go check it out..]

Monday, May 30, 2005

in disguise... thank You.

first day... of sch....
slacking away in the library cos i got a rare 4 hour break....a tutorial got cancelled.. and next lesson at 3...

what lies ahead?
hmm.... i said enough previously...


during the weekend, there was a camp for the BBGB kids of greenridge pri..
even before the camp... significant things happened, which i can only say, God
wanted to speak to me...

two- three days before the camp, we found ourselves without any tents.
and not enough dorms on the 1st nite....
we planned to borrow abt 10 from another company (coy) which many of the officers &
helpers were formerly from.
technical difficulties... and it was impossible to borrow any more.

Jon then volunteered to try his old coy...
and he could not get hold...

i tried my old coy, and they allowed.

so i went on fri to collect, and almost all the tents were not exactly in good shape.

and i fretted as i got hold of 6 only. might not be enough.... ....

brought these tents to church,
and guess what.

i realised that we have another 8 tents, as one of the GB officers, Shihui, managed to borrow them.

so now we have too many tents.
reminds me of the story, the feeding of the 5000...

many more blessings in disguise came throughout the camp.....

a really heavy storm, in the middle of an outdoor treasure hunt game......
certain events in the night....
the few shortages here and there due to me forgetting to bring essential stuff.....
are but some of the few blessings in disguise.

- - -
last evening, while Jon and i were washing the tents used, (or rather, spraying the
tents with different pressures & volume with the fire hose), we got distracted by.....
..... ants.
it was interesting seeing how these ants are so commando-like whenever a wasp landed on the floor, or crashed straight into the wall injuring themselves...
they surround it and try to kill it, before lugging it back to their nest....
the amazing fact was that these wasps were significantly much bigger than these ants...
interesting.... God's creations are.....
i once went for some school camp, and one of the points was "to have an ant mentality".
when got obstacles in life.... "get over it,under it, side of it. press on and you will get it solved"
but isn't it a fact that some obstacles in life, are impossible to solve with ourselves?
without Him... i wont know who to be so thankful....
through the years....
thank You, Lord.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

what can i say?

God? what God?
there is no God...
we are all we are...
we can achieve whatever we want,
by ourselves...
no need for God...
no time for God...
God? what God?
can i say my friend is wrong, when he commented that, one of the reasons why he does not want to be a christian is that, "christians are so hypocritical, so 'holy-holy' on sunday, but attitude like crap on other day"?
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
or another scenario....
if for example, we didn't do very well, in factly real badly, in our tests or exams, we cite the reason that
"i got a lot of church work, as i'm in this committee, that commitee, all for God.. so no time to study..."
think about it...
what sort of testimony are we showing??
i know i sound like some naggy ah soh, but...
it is difficult to even do what i think and say....

think about it...

what sort of testimony are we showing??

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

"will I"

had my freshman orientation today.
the tutor was kinda friendly, and removed that bad first impression which i had during the matriculation day, where the student leaders were quite crude.... however... i guess.. they are only 1-2 yrs older than me, and i would have probably done the same.... much to be learnt.

what lies ahead in the next phase of life?
uncertain? exciting? etc.....

what will the next three yrs be like?

will i stand my ground?
will i waiver in times of doubts, warfare, and struggles?
will i this, will i that.....

it has come to a point where it is "will I?", rather than "am i willing to let Him?".

really thank God.

i know He has, He is , He will.

(ps... i dunno what's wrong with the formatting... in case u din noe... there's a tagboard at the bottom)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

cough, cough. sigh sigh

Man……. My mind is in a roller coaster.
Or elevator.
Or some big bouncy balls in the Patience room.
It’s up & down, up & down….

Not only my mind, my health too.
Physical health. Have this cough that stubbornly refuses to go away.
I guess its my condition, asthma cough type, that has always been there,
but could have worsened, maybe cos I was lazy in preventing it,
by hardly taking my medicine seriously.

And it can also be said of my spiritual health too. Have this sin that stubbornly
refuses to go away. I guess its my condition, sinful nature, that has always been
there, but could have worsened, maybe cos I was lazy in preventing it, by hardly
taking my devotion seriously.

Cough, cough. Sigh, sigh. Cough, cough again.
(“Ooh… Hey! Look at that jade-green phlegm! Cool sia…..”
{insert exclamations of disgust, and lots of ‘eeyyur’, ‘yucks’, ‘grrooss’ from audience, here.} )

Hmmm… Monday evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays, we go to this
white building along Jelapang Rd, which some call it ‘church’,
to have a social gathering, make more friends and to be more popular.
Maybe it’s cos we fit in, or that it’s cool to be in a group setting,
or maybe it’s because got nothing else better to do at our homes.
But definitely not to seek this being, called God.
Definitely not.
Absolutely not.

I could be over-simplistic, or just plain irrational…. But…….
What’s our purpose or desire when we go to church?
What’s the driving force, that makes us look forward to go to church?

Hmm…. Friends, and buddies…… or even obligation(s)….
Or maybe… to have fun and pass the time away…
Anyway, life is just sooooo borrring. So… hey… why not go have fun at ‘church’?

We, humans will see it in our own terms, finite, and almost never, we see it beyond.
I understand some of us may have just taken that step of faith.
And we are so new to this concept of faith, that we are still wandering
around ‘blindly’ and following or imitating others, and their ways so that
we hope we would understand eventually, coupled with the fact that we
might be in a period of extremes of our lives. Extreme confusion, extreme
growth, extreme world…….
For those of us who are in this stage, I know that God will help you,
and it might not be in our timing.

He has done, is doing, will continue to do.
For you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Regrets.... but....

these few wks....

could it be warfare?
or is it due to my own "footholds" in my life?
or maybe it's my walk with Him? or the lack of.....

i dunno....

so much things...

it comes to a point of whatever, whatever, whatever....
whatever it means...

anyways..... don't want to continue being so down...
pessimism can be contagious.... and u ppl are in the midst of
your mid-yrs.... haha...

The writer of this article would like to apologise
for any inconveniences caused as a result, directly
or indirectly, of this article's pessimism.

oops... :D

anyways... i was in IDMC 2005 over the few nights and
day the past week...

in short...

An eclectic construct that ultimately results in fidism or nihilism
~Rev Edmund Chan

don't understand? well, there's a much longer (and cheemer) definition...
well... neither did i on thurs nite...

but gradually began to see the light...(not the spot light in Grace Sanc... ;P)
though it might not really affect me now, this postmodernism & postmodernity,
i thank God that IDMC05 has equipped me in some ways, which i might
very well need in the future...
it, as Ps Edmund says, will come as an 'ideological tsunami' that will come...
so... it might be a warning of sorts....

thank You, Lord,
for the weeks past.
helping me see that i need You alone

Monday, April 25, 2005

why lai-dees, why lai-ddat?

there's this "rap" that goes something like that:

why u so lai-ddat arh?
why u so lai-ddat?
give u my kit-kat,
u never give me back!
so... why u so lai-ddat arh?

asking myself.. 'why i so laiddat?'....
why laiddees, why laiddat?
why is it sometimes i yearn to please ppl, and NOT God?
why is it sometimes i get too got up in the activities of serving Him,
that i sometimes forget, who is the One whom i'm really serving?
why this, why that...
why lai-dees, why lai-ddat...
(because the sky is so high, elephants can't fly, the birds poop in your eye............ erm.... out of pt.. i know... :D )

isn't it so true that sometimes we see things on the surface,
and we start judging or jumping to our own conclusions?
sometimes we even want to show how holy, how godly we are, on the outside.
but is it so in the inside?

1Samuel 16:7b(NIV)
The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.
Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.

Psalms 51:6(NIV)
Surely You desire truth in the inner parts;
teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

if we are, i guess it's best for us to come back to the Father in humble repentance....

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


now that i have a blog, i am beginning to ask myself, "what's the purpose for me having it?"

is it to join in the crowd? to fit in?
is it because of a desire to be known? a desire to be seen and heard?
to edify myself?
declaring 'the great ME', having the mindset,
"it's cos THE GREAT ME is so fascinating, that everyone would want to know all about THE GREAT ME's daily life."

Hopefully not...

now..i would like to take this opportunity to share, why i chose the name for this blog (howcanibebornagain)....even though it's a bit long.. :D

simply cos, the Nicodemus of the Bible asked Jesus,
"how can a man be born again when he is so old?"
(John 3:4a NIV)

the famous verse, which basically summarises the whole Gospel,

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His one
and only Son,
that whoever believes in Him,
shall not perish, but have eternal life.(NIV)

many know this verse by hard, even non-christians. But... is
knowing it from memory, enough??
maybe we should take time to read John 3,
and think and meditate about it....

can't go on much cos i'm using a public computer...
(my home's internet terminated...)

[ps.... obviously this blog doesn't have much stuff YET...
cos 1stly, i gotta rush.. 2ndly... i also dunno much abt java,
be it the coffee, the Indonesian province, or the geek type.. :D
just wait lor....
btw, i wouldn't mind any help. haha...]

May God be with you...